SPOILER!!: Miss Competitive! <3
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Blink. Blink. Blink.
Did he just give her a point, no scratch that, two points for Gryffindor for her awesome performance? NO WAY! Was that even real points? "Umm..Thanks?" Okay, she liked the the reason for the first point but the second one? Because he found it funny? What even---- Nonetheless she liked having a Prefect for an acquaintance. But she's not going to tell him that she liked having him around. No, Sir!
He's sorry? Good. Good. "I accept your apology." Nods. Wait. WHAT?! More friendly? Traits that she seemed to lack off? "There's a reason why the Hat put me in Gryffindor not Hufflepuff, Mr. Prefect." Beside she's friendly. Just asked her housemates. BROWS! "What kind of nickname is that? Candy Cane." She couldn't help but spat when she said 'Candy Cane' "Stick to Candice, yeah?" Except he would like to get wet again.
"PUHLEASE! I would like to see you try." She said folding her arms. "I'll be the firefighters." Water-making Spell was her specialty. "I'm ready when you are." Wands out and everything here.
Adi laughed good naturedly at the confused look on Candice's face.
"You're welcome. Just to clear stuff up, I can't actually give House points but if I could, you'd be definitely adding rubies to that Hourglass." Candice was honestly growing on him. Even though she was disagreeing with him here.
"Gryffindors can be both brave and friendly,'' he said wisely.
"But I think you're still cool... just need to work on that attitude a little.'' So, no Candy Cane nickname? Hmph. Candice was stubborn, wasn't she?
"Fineeee! I'll stick to your real name for now.'' Hehehe.
The Hufflepuff merely grinned. He LOVED Candice's competitive spirit.
"We'll see,'' he said.
"Alright. I guess I'll be the meanie fire.'' He bounced a bit then readied himself.
"I was born ready!'' HERE HE WENT!
"Incendio!'' The first moving dummy was on fiyaaaah, yo!
"Incendio! Incendio! Incendio!'' Four of them in flames so far!