urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Phillip felt like a zombie. A zombie that wasn't after some brains, but after some sleep. Even though the coldness of the castle was starting to wake him up a liiiiiittle bit, there was still a lot of yawning and dragging of his feet because guess what? IT. WAS. TOO. EARLY.
What made this worse was that this was Ancient Runes, which was a H A R D subject. The boy kept getting confused with the symbols and what each of them represented. Magic wasn't easy. There was a L O T to remember, something that the first year was learning all too well, recently.
Praying to Merlin that it was nearly time for the holidays, Phillip stepped into the warm -- THANK MERLIN -- classroom. "Heeeey, Headmaster Sir," he said, smiling at the man and his cool cane and heading over to where his name tag was. You know, he should add a cane to his Christmas wish list. Or better yet, a LIGHTSABER. How COOL would that be?!
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