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Fine, maybe he did not help. Maybe he just teased and smirked at Hugo's attempts to talk to her. Sorry. But yeah, he did maybe do overboard this past summer. But whatever. He did not want to talk about that and seemed Hugo was more interested in his apparent ladies man ways.
"What about Maggie?"
Dante said smirking. Though he just rolls his eyes at everything else he was saying.
"Really, mysterious and quiet? Better quiet than say something stupid" Dante believe that. Plus if he talked all the time that would waste so much energy and who has time for that, really "I would not be surprised if they do have secret meetings and talk about boys"
Though Dante couldn't care less about that.
What Dante needed was a little bit of veritaserum in his pumpkin juice or orange juice or whatever type of juice he liked. Hugo shrugged "
I don't know, you tell me ladies man. Do you like her?" and wiggled his eyebrows. "
Don't you trust me? Your best friend, partner in crime?" he was being dramatic "
I mean, if you are worried to show any emotion, don't be. Let love come to your life and embrace you" he wished he had little paper hearts to throw at Dante to add some effect.
Now, getting serious. "
Or there is another girl? I have heard some rumours" kind of. Hugo chuckled "
Well, all I know is that girls like the mysterious type or something like that" not really sure about that but whatever. Though he did agree with Dante "
Mostly about you. Just let me know when do you need a bodyguard"