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Old 09-30-2015, 12:52 AM   #122 (permalink)
formerly: DanialRadFAN01

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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kiera Burton

Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher

SPOILER!!: Norah
Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
You know what was really really REALLY hard? Being in a bad mood when a cutiepie firstie volunteered to be your partner. Her smile was much more cheerful than it had been when she entered the classroom as she held a hand out to greet the boy. "I'm Norah. Norah Kittredge." Hopefully he wouldn't be needing too much help if they ever did number things, 'cause she was rubbish at that. The game part could be lovely, though. "Sounds good!" She gave his grid an appreciative nod, then watched him draw his first O. Her turn!

Norah tried not to take too long in deciding where to put her X, but every time she moved her quill to make a mark, she'd draw her hand back again to think about it some more. The problem with tic-tac-toe is that it SEEMED so simple, but if you thought about it too much it got all complicated. Who needed thinking, anyways. She finally put an X right in the middle of the grid, where she'd planned on putting it initially before all the thinking happened. Giving Milo an apologetic grin, she nudged the parchment and grid in his direction. "Your turn."
Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Holy guacamole. This firstie sure knew what he was doing. Norah watched him make his move with far less deliberation than it had taken her. Well this one was obvious, right? She lifted her quill and drew an X in between his two O's, 'cause he wasn't allowed to win that easily, no way. She opened her mouth to invite him to take his turn again, but was cut off by Professor Tanner's new instructions. Awww man, they hadn't even finished yet. With an apologetic look in Milo's direction for taking such a horribly long time, Norah turned back to her notes. The number parts were coming up. That was always a bad sign.

She felt her features fall back into a little frown, which was much easier when the cutiepie firstie wasn't there to make everything more exciting. Numbers numbers numbers. For real this time. She let out a long breath, then started on her grid just like the one Professor Tanner had drawn. Well, her lines were painfully squiggly, but it was as close as she was ever going to get. Straight lines were hard, okay? It was like this whole entire class had something against her. Once the numbers were written, she marked the birthday ones. Were they going to have to do maths with this or what?

Milo watched her place her second 'X' blocking a place he could have won. No worries though because he hadn't planned on winning there he was going to win over--oh, they had to stop. BOOOO.

"It's okay." Milo said in response to Norah's frown. "We can always finish after class if you want." If she wanted to be beaten! Milo wasn't usually very upfront or one to brag about stuff but he was pretty competitive when it came to games. He grinned at her and turned his attention to the Professor who was starting the actual Arithmancy portion of the lesson.

SPOILER!!: Professor!
Originally Posted by hpluvr037 View Post
Tiara was pleased at how efficiently her students had been able to arrange themselves and get started. Sometimes that was difficult earlier on in the year. But really, she was quite pleased at the sound of all the side conversations happening while the students played. She could tell that the seeds of new acquaintances and friendships were being formed!

Text Cut: Angel and Zeke

Really? Because she had been so sure that everyone would have heard of this game before... Tiara made her way over to the girl to show her how it was done, but before she reached her destination, Zeke Rogers stepped in. "Oh yes, noughts and crosses. Sorry, Angel." She forgot she was in the minority on its name.

Tiara had her eye on this young man, wondering how he would handle the request to pair up. As she suspected, he simply didn't do it. But then the Bellaire boy stepped in and, to her surprise, was accepted. Good. Perhaps Daxton was making some friends after all. She nodded her approval.

She may be older, but her hearing was still sharp! And therefore it shocked her to hear the closest thing to negativity she had ever heard coming out of Aditya Rehman's mouth. "I am sorry you feel that way, Mister Rehman," she muttered, also under her breath. She had no idea if he would hear that or not.


Looking around, she could tell that most people were finishing up. "Wrap it up if you would please, students! Then feel free to return to your seats if you moved, or stay where you are, either way."

Another minute passed as she made her way to the front of the room and waited for things to settle down. "So. Today we will explore the Arrows of Pythagoras. Don't worry, no real arrows are about to come flying at you," she quipped. not that it was a good joke at all "The Arrows are related to the topic of karma, which we delved into a bit last year. They are also excellent ways of identifying personality traits, both positive and negative."

A jabbing motion of her wand made a grid appear on the board. "This is the basic grid you start off with. The first step is to highlight, circle, star, or somehow mark which numbers from your full birth date are used, ignoring any zero you might have, of course." Picking up the chalk, she wrote "21 June, 2037" on the board. "This is my birth date, so I will highlight the 2, 1, 6, 3, and 7." Another flick showed this on the board.

"So go ahead and give it a try. You need your grid filled in using the same order of numbers as you see up here." The numbers were in that order for a reason. Changing them would mess with the emotional, mental, and spiritual planes... not good.

Text Cut: OOC Stuff
OOC: Feel free to get a last post in with your tic-tac-toe game. Definitely didn't know other countries called it noughts and crosses, sorry about that! If you want to make a graphic, go for it; otherwise just use font color to designate your numbers (like so..).

3 6 9
2 5 8
1 4 7

Right so the game of tic-tac-toe wasn't off base at all (not that Milo had ever doubted her)! He listened, brow furrowed as she talked about karma and the Pythagorean arrow grid thing. They needed to put their birthday into it, no highlight the numbers corresponding to their birthday in the already pre-ordered numbers of the nine squares.

My birthday: September 22nd 2074

3 6 9
2 5 8
1 4 7
When he was done highlighting his numbers, the first year laid his quill down and waited to hear what they would do next.
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