Quill meeting Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Bundled up from head to toe Leo headed reluctantly out of the castle and down to Paul's frostbitten garden for the days Quill meeting. No matter how much he had tried to get Paul to see reason his co-advisor had insisted that they should hold the meeting in the outdoors. In the end Leo had given up on protesting for the warmth and comfort the castle could provide and that was why his nose was pink from cold and his fingers were freezing by time he entered the greenhouse garden.
Leo's un-gloved fingers started to itch as they warmed up in the warmth of the heating spell that Paul had casted. Heading over to the blanket he beamed at everyone already present. "Hello everyone!" Looking over at Paul he asked hopefully "Are the donuts warm?" If they were then maybe just maybe Leo would get over his initial protest against meeting outside.
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