Originally Posted by
Casey O
PYTHAGORAS like PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM?????!??!?!? Super cool!!!!!!! Tic tac toe was a little anticlimactic after the promise and potential of Pythagoras, but Ellery could deal because she got to play with her brother.
Which actually, tended to be detrimental. They always did the same thing. Olly always went first, and picked Xs, and went in the center. Ellery always assumed it was because Olly didn't want Os. And then she always went for a corner.
Always. Ellery's move was unsurprising. Games of tic tac toe between the two of them were always
very similar. And it was rare that either of them actually won. It was always a draw, which seemed fitting that neither of them was better at the game than the other. Not that they often sat around and just played tic tac toe, but it was quick and easy.
Not every game could be exactly the same, of course. Otherwise one would be able to figure out how to win. He studied their paper, as if contemplating a serious strategic move. There were only two marks on the paper, but he liked being dramatic. Finally, after careful (or maybe not so careful) consideration, Olly made his move.