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Meizzner Dante was not even tired enough to really head back down here. He was just here for a book and hopefully his spot would not be taken when he returns. If it is then someone is getting moved. He was going through his things when he finally noticed he was not alone.
Well Well Well seemed Hugo had beaten even him here and was ready to pass out.
"Looks who is turning into an old grandpa, trying to sleep so early"
Dante smirked, grabbed a random pillow off a bed and threw it at him.
Hugo heard someone walking into the room but was too lazy to even look up so, he would just let it be. Though it seemed the person was someone he knew and before he could even answer, a pillow was thrown at him. Thanks. "
It is called resting the eyes" obviously. He was full of life and just needed a moment to recharge energy.
He sat down on the bed and threw back the pillow at Dante. "
And what about you? Are turning into a ladies man? " and winked. Mmm? MMM?? "
You should have helped me last term with Marigold" except that she was a senior but, whatever, age doesn't matter and she could have made a exception for him, of course. Ehem. But nevermind, he wanted answers from Dante and it was going to be an interesting talk.