Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo Blink. Blink
Blaise's quick quotes quill and notepad floated closer to the girl the moment she'd asked her question and his focus fixed on her. How...curious. "HOW do you not know what snippers are??" Speak clearly, the quill was taking notes. The boy stared at the older girl, not sure she was being serious or simply making fun of his obviously muggle suggestion.
"It's...you know...those big cutting things that muggles use when they're in their gardens...for...well....cutting." What else could it have been used for? They had one back home because him and his little sister liked helping their mother in her gadren but unlike HER they couldn't do magic. It was useful and was how they were gonna be winning this thing. Duh.
"If I can find the ones they're gonna let us use, I'll show you how to use it and everything." He said with a wide, dimpled grin. It was nice feeling like the expert. Merlin knew it didn't happen often enough.
At first Olympia didn't even hear the boy's reply as her attention snapped onto a note pad and a quill floating very close to her.. and it appeared to be taking notes. She raised an eyebrow before returning her attention back to him. The blonde shrugged.
"It's an odd word.." She commented and repeated it back to herself.
"Snippers.. snippers, snippers". Hm. Strange, very strange.
OH. The boy's explanation made total sense.
"Ahh, I get it!" She made a motion with her fingers, imitating scissors.
"So they're literally used to.. snip" Olympia grinned. Well, now
that was cleared up. Olympia then nodded and laughed at the boys offer to show her how they work.
"Okay!" She agreed- she would like to see how this Muggle contraption worked but was uncertain if they would be provided with any Muggle equipment, maybe the boy could suggest it to their team leaders. Olympia had never done much gardening; their garden was large enough to do it of course, but her Father had always insisted on hiring someone else to do it. She sighed, shaking her head at the thought.
Suddenly, her attention was brought back to the quill. Olympia turned to look at it a second time.
"Erm.. what's this for?"