~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Little Miss Giggles. That's who Marsha was. Hehe. Adi listened to her chatter. "Gosh, you're quite the hard worker, aren't you? Sure you don't belong in Hufflepuff?'' He winked. Sure, he had been up early and after his early morning run what did he do? Spent his free time wandering the corridors and thinking up new pranks. LOL.
A running club? Ahhh! "What an awesome idea!'' High five him, Marsha! His hand was waiting in proximity so you could reach it. "Maybe you could even throw in some friendly competition in there if you divide up everyone into groups.'' Yeah, Adi was digging this idea! He was super proud of the little sister for thinking of this. "You bet! What time do you usually get started?''
Adi happily smiled at Beatrice. He had the urge to hug her for some reason but refrained himself. Some Professors frowned upon hugs when it was given to them. "I'm awesome! What about you?'' He held out his plate of biscuits, offering them to her. "Do you like cooking?'' he asked randomly.