potions hw 1 post 4 A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
How he had managed to get to the fourth floor was beyond him but the longer he stayed in sheep form the easier it was to get used to walking on four legs. Another obstacle came when he entered the moving staircase area. First he was stuck in the Gryffindor Common Room portrait hole and now this ...luckily this little Ravenclaw had helped him out earlier but he couldn't ask for help now...
He waited until the stair in front of him was on the top where he stood and then Sheep!Yoongi looked sideways because he learned that he could not see well in front of him and took a step. He walked down the stairs that already started to move again and thanks for the sudden movement he missed a stair and let out a loud "BAAAAAAAAA!" in shock.
He couldn't wait to get downstairs and be in the open field. He was SO going to try grass now that he was a sheep!
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