Niffler&Olly Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Five bazillion students came along and nobody said a single thing to her. Man. What kind of world was this? Norah busied herself with eating a croissant as politely as she could, which was hard because those darn flakey things were so tempting to just lick of the plate. Which she did. But discreetly, okay? It still counted a lot more than not being discreet. What was so bad about getting to those last few flakes was really beyond her. Everybody had tongues, it couldn't be THAT offensive. Whoever made teh ruls had their priorities all wrong.
She nodded back to Zander, too scared to open her mouth and grin or else all her croissant would come spilling out of there. Maybe she'd shoved too much into her mouth at one time. Or MAYBE she was just excited about that croissant. Who could tell, really? Norah sure couldn't. But what she COULD tell was that there was a cutiepie fluffy thing scurrying around. That's right, a cutiepie fluffy thing. It'd gone by so fast that she couldn't tell much about it except that it was cute, it was fluffy, and she wanted to snuggle it. And probably that she make sure it didn't mess up the special breakfast because that was the responsible thing to do, but that bit only occurred as an afterthought.
Waving her empty plate around, Norah sprinted and wove between students, coming to a halt before nearly tripping over a firstie (Olly). Was he going to catch it TOO? "Professor Botros, watch out!" The furry thing was heading for the headmaster for sure. She could just tell. She had furry-thing telepathy. She turned her gaze to the boy and held out a hand. It was the one who'd lied in Potions about breaking the rules when he really hadn't. What was his name again? "Norah Kittredge. Let's do this thing." He'd KNOW she meant catching the creature, right? There was really nothing better to be doing.
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