Thread: The Courtyard
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Old 09-23-2015, 11:40 AM   #75 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Default Charms hw!
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Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Charms homework was... odd, like, he was quite good at the banishing charm already, so he didn't see much point in practicing it further. BUT... because there were points attached to the task, he could hardly say no. Had to keep his grades up and make home think he was doing just fine.

It was convenient that he didn't have to track anyone down to practice with him, having met Aldous when collecting a ball, the small Ravenclaw seemed a good kid. "What's your aim like?" he asked casually as they made their way out into the courtyard, nothing quite like a bit of fresh air to get things going, AND... he had potential targets too, y'know, in case simple throw/catch got boring. A bit of throw/catch/dodge would be jut as good if not better.
Aldous had a special love for any practical homework. And this one was included. His only concern was to find someone older to partner up with because asking one of his firstie friends was going to be a bit dull since they both were going to be practicing only one charm and have to manually throw it. It'd work but so dull. So when he met Zeke the only obstacle was removed and life was good again.

And whenever the Ravenclaw ended up with an older kid he seemed to have this desire to prove that it was NOT a mistake to partner up with him. So when he was asked, most likely as a way to start the conversation from the Gryffindor's side, Aldous immediately answered, "It's really good!" Yeah, he needed to calm down... and be completely honest. Zeke was gonna find out eventually. "But my throws aren't strong," He admitted glancing down at the ball in his hands, that they just collected. Honesty was key.

Did he still want to be his partner after he found out the truth? Did he open up TOO MUCH?

But hey, strong arms weren't needed, right? That was what the wand was for. Plus his task was to slow down the thrown ball. Yup, yup. All was good! He was FINE.

"I think here is good?" He said coming to a stop and offering the ball to the older kid. There was good amount of space and not too many people to injure hit with the ball. Or they could MOVE if he didn't like the place!
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