Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight Daxton gave the Head Boy no answer, simply stared down at him from his place up on the wall for a moment, before surveying the rest of his kingdom the area. Not for very long though, because not minutes later, Dakest cast a spell to reveal everyone in the vicinity and called an end to the activity. Daxton looked his way, but stayed atop the wall until the class was dismissed.
Or... most of the class were dismissed. At first, Daxton was not entirely sure by what was meant by 'stick around', and ran through the possible meanings in his head. Stick? They had to stick things... somewhere? He watched the others for another moment, glanced at the Head Boy (who he knew to be Adair), then jumped nimbly down from the wall, his landing cushioned slightly by the moss underfoot.
Both sashes were still balled up in his fist, but rather than drop them in the bag, Daxton discreetly shoved pushed them into his pocket. He stopped by Dakest and hesitated, lingering uncertainly and still not entirely sure what the instruction to 'stick around' had meant. He could have simply left, but instead opted to stay... being mindful to keep his distance from the Head Boy, eyeing him suspiciously in the brief second that he looked at him at all.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |