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Blaise had only just hopped off his bed when Bentley walked in--like magic--like he knew he needed him to show up--like he had homework to do?
The little boy made a face at his cousin. How could he do school work at a time like this?? Clearly he would have to fix this.
As casually as possible, he slipped onto the bed next to him then pushed his parchments away. "No time for that, mate. We got a problem. My wand's a girl." Said with wide brown eyes imploring him to understand that they needed to do something about it.
What what whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
"What did you do that for!? I have home work to do and I have stuff to send to my grandma and stuff!" The other stuff was writing to his mum. She made a fuss about him not writing to her enough and she made him promise that he would more.
"What do you mean your wand is a girl?" It was obvious, all this school was making his cousin mad.
"Your wand can't be a girl. They don't give boy wizards girl wands. It's not possible."