be curious, not judgmental Disillusio. Easy enough to remember, as was the simple tap of the wand. And a useful spell, too, no doubt, so that made it all the better.
A field trip, though? Sophie squinted, standing when instructed to do so, and... she stoppped when Dakest looked... weird. Again. But this time, he looked awfully... scared, maybe? Worried about them? Merlin, where they going that he looked like THAT about it?
But then his words hinted a bit to what he meant, and he was worried that they were going to CAUSE CHAOS. Hahaha. Surely he had to look so serious for them to TAKE him seriously, but way to turn up the dramatics there, Dakest. Merlin.
With an amused smirk upon her lips, Sophie gathered her things and followed the class out of the training hall.
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