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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amur Neverwinter Fourth Year | ~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ Admittedly, Sabel was momentarily distracted by the furious scribbling going on by several of his students. A few glances were spared between the chalkboard and the students, his brow furrowing a little. Was there really that much to write? He eyed the board again. To him it didn't seem like it, but then he had never been particularly good at note taking when he was a student.
Perhaps he should have paused before delving right into the next aspect of his discussion. Too late now. Another footnote for himself for his next lesson? Ask for scenarios, not explanations. His bad. SPOILER!!: Individual Responses within ^_^ Text Cut: Guidry Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Janelle smiled inwardly, glad to know that she had been on the right track with her answers. She scribbled furiously, trying to copy down all of the important information that had been written on the board and noting various comments made by her classmates.
When the class was charged with answering another question, she paused a moment to think about the possiblilties. Raising her hand, Janelle tried to put her thoughts into words. "Concealing yourself could be useful if you were trying to get away from someone or something dangerous. It could buy you time and allow you to escape." Taking a breath, Janelle launched into her thoughts about the second part of the question. "Revealing.......well you would have a better chance of defeating or at least neutralizing your opponent if you could see them and knew what you were up against."
A thoughtful nod was given to Ms. Guidry. "Very true, very true. Sometimes the best defense, is a well planned retreat." Another nod and a smile. "And sometimes it's actually being able to see your opponent."
Well, that was most of the time, but who was really counting? Text Cut: Truebridge Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Ooh, more notes. Davie enjoyed taking notes, and plus the professor had said no one had invented invisible trousers yet. Bingo. He was on his way to a lifetime of invented fame and fortune. Once the notes were done, Davie raised his hand.
"You could conceal yourself if you were trying to sneak past your enemy, say, a horde of kidnapping acromantula, and you didn't want to be detected. But revealing, well, you'd want to reveal yourself when you got ready to rescue your hostage friends which had been taken by the acromantula."
Such a real-life example, wasn't it. Davie blinked up at the professor innocently. "I also know that sometimes professors and threats like to hide in the corners of seemingly empty classrooms here at Hogwarts, so we need be on our toes and use the detection spells so they don't get mad that we didn't find them in their grown up game of hide and go seek." The kid looked happy enough with his agreement on that patent. Sabel was tempted to get up and do a casual walk-about just to see what the young Truebridge was scribbling in his book. Was it notes, or a letter to his parents about his future endeavors?
Managing to keep the impulse under control, Sabel hooked a wrist around his knee and rocked a little. "That, is a very practical," and realistic, "application." Had Truebridge been telling stories? Likely. It would hardly make sense if she wasn't. "Good example."
And then, there was that. Sabel chuckled, returning an equally innocent look. "It's always a good idea to keep on your toes, and the revealing spells can certainly give you that upper hand. But I am curious, as to where you heard such a thing." Or perhaps one of the Professors had already done so.
It did sound like a rather entertaining idea..... Text Cut: Burton Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven Well if it gets non-good, you be sure to let me know. Alright?"
The Gryffindor nodded at the Professor man. "Aye, Professor." And hopefully it wouldn't be. Maybe it was such a risky decision to attend DADA while she's still in recovery from her dislocated shoulder. But skipping this lesson? Pfffftt... NO WAY. Even if the sky was falling down, Ava would never missed DADA class.
Concealing and revealing as a defense against the dark arts? Ooohhh!! She put on her hand on the air. "I think we can use concealing to hide ourselves from something dangerous? Like... from our enemy?" But it sounded like chicken, hiding. "And revealing like.... revealing a curse?" Did that sound right? Good. This one had some sense in her. Wasn't going to tough it out and pretend everything was fine if it wasn't. Good. Communication was key, especially in this classroom. It was a relief she understood that. "You most definitely can, and sometimes should." Not every enemy was meant to be faced, as strange as the concept sounded. "It could save your life, or afford you some opportune advantages."
As for the curse revealing, Sabel scratched the side of his neck, thinking for a moment. "I'm not too sure about revealing curses. You could certainly use it to be more aware of where they may come from. Or even if there is a trap around." So yes, sort of? In a round-about way. Text Cut: Gimenez Quote:
Originally Posted by Scorpio Vulpeculae Sabbath’s eyes drifted upwards and he rested his chin on his hand as he contemplated the Professors next question. The answer was glaringly obvious, was it not? “These spells would be best utilised in a lovers tryst, he blurted. "I mean, just imagine the ease of window escapes and curfew avoidance." "Aaand", he continued "when it comes to defence against the dark arts, well, they'd sure be useful for circumventing angry fathers or jilted boyfriends!”
Sabbath shook his head and grinned ‘Gosh, the possibilities!’. He was liking this class more and more. A .... lovers tryst? Merlin hadn't he specified dark arts?
On the one hand, the answer was slightly amusing, in the way that a young mind might work and apply such a useful spell. On the other hand, from where he sat, it was less than humoring. "I have to wonder, Mr. Gimenez, which is the darker art? The protection of a father or a significant other, or the betrayal of trust by present impulse and desire?"
Alright, so maybe he could have taken the question more in stride, but there was a significant bias going on in his head that he couldn't ignore. Namely that he wasn't a twelve year old boy anymore, and he was in fact a father himself. The very thought of a person sneaking into his home, tryst or not, put him in a right bad mindset. "I would hope, the doorbell wouldn't be so frightening to a suitor." Completely and utterly biased. Text Cut: Barrington Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Hehe..there was booby traps written on the board. Oh it was funny even though it shouldn't be. So mature, Dante. It just sort of happens you thinking of puns and then all of a sudden booby traps in there on the board. Though Dante guessed he should move on and answer the question. But since everyone was doing a much better job at answering it than him. He guessed he did not have to. Plus what he wanted to say was already said.
He had other uses for being invisible.
Just not for the DADA purposes. Sabel's attention fell on Barrington, one eyebrow arching at the amused look that held his expression. What? What was so funny?
His gaze tried to follow the boy's, but he couldn't pick out what exactly had him so amused. The kid got a curious look, but really no word against the silent amusement or silence to his proposed question. Amusement was, admittedly, slightly better than boredom. Combined with silence it usually ended up in anxious energy, which could easily be put to use. Boredom and silence usually ended up in sleep, which, could less readily be used. Text Cut: Lynch Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy Should she be taking down notes? That's mainly what was running through her head in the time it took her to sit herself back down on the floor and when Professor Dakest began speaking once more. Now that she didn't have that little chalkboard on her lap she felt oddly unproductive.
Reaching into her backpack that was resting at her feet she pulled out a sheet of parchment, a notepad (to lean on) and her quill. While listening silently Hady listed down each thing that was said in her neat script that way she was sure not to forget anything.
Taking a pause from her note taking her hand went into that air, "A concealment charm can come in handy for many reasons. From something as terrible as having to flee a dangerous situation to as carefree as hiding from a friend while playing a joke. While a reveling charm works well when you're looking for something you can't find or to make sure nothings going to jump out at you." Like a Professor hiding in what appears to be an empty classroom. Constant vigilance. Leaving the silent one with his silent thoughts, Sabel's attention turned to Lynch's raised hand.
A slow nod left him. "All very true, Ms. Lynch. While I'm not sure about how playing a joke is a defensive mechanism, you bring up a good point. You may need to, at some point in time, hide someone to protect them. And likewise, you are very correct. You may need to try and find something, or someone, on a short timeline." Text Cut: Mordaunt Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan A small grin slowly graced Ethan’s face when the professor asked the second question. He’s got the perfect example for it because Mordred told him things from last term’s rescue. Of course he had to bug his older cousin day and out to give him information about the operation, and surely, he wasn’t disappointed when everything was revealed to him, especially the time when the older Mordaunt used the Disillusionment Charm.
Ethan slightly wiggled his bum as he continued to sit on the floor, raised his hand to give his answer, but that certain kid, the former Headmistress’ son was it? Yeah, that smart Ravenclaw over there had beat him to it. Maybe his mother told him things too? The Slytherin tried to hide his grin, and instead, acknowledged the first year’s answer. “What he said, professor.” Nod nod.
Well, he’s got nothing more to add so he lowered his hand down, and instead, busied himself to take down some serious notes. What....Truebridge said?
Fair enough. It was hard to argue that point, and really, it was a good point. Sabel nodded, scrubbing the back of his neck. "Last year', are indeed a very practical illustration of how the disillusionment charm can be used as a defensive, and offensive, tactic against impossible circumstances. That particular circumstance, came with quite a bit of luck."
He wouldn't go into how risky it had been, or how lucky they had truly been. Text Cut: Rehman Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Hehe. Adi's answer made the Professor laugh. He grinned at the man. "I'll keep that in mind.'' It was good to know he could be entertaining and learn a thing or two at the same time.
Aha. So it was the pants of Dakest that really had the spell working on it. Cool! Then notes on the board happened. The Hufflepuff wasted no time in grabbing his quill and book to make careful notes.All of this would come in useful for NEWTS. Yessers. Oh, looky! Dakest's lower half of his body had returned!
And now for that question. Adi raised a hand. ''We can always use concealing as defense if we need to hide from someone or something and revealing to see if there is anything dark around something you're working with. Like maybe dark creatures someone had charmed to remain hidden.'' Eyes on you, Dakest. The Puff had been genuinely interested to know if the man had met any dark creatures over the summer, you know. But then secrets had to be kept. Yup. It was Rehman's last point that got Sabel's attention. Turning his gaze over to the kid slowly, Sabel considered him for a long, silent moment. Ever so slowly, one eyebrow arched in what could be taken for an innocent but silent question. "Hiding, and revealing the hidden. Very true, Mr. Rehman." Total innocence here. What, Mr. Rehman, do you suppose we are hiding? Text Cut: Valentine (AJ) Quote:
Originally Posted by MudInMyBlood She was almost completely awake at this point. Almost. This discussion was getting interesting, and maybe AJ misunderstood the question, but she couldn't help but wonder why everybody was only talking about the two main spells. You could say so much about the others ones, and that was what AJ was going to do. Even if that wasn't what he was technically asking because that's what her sleepy brain was telling her to do.
Not to mention that everybody else had pretty much covered the basics, and AJ had to agree with the kid that would use if for curfew avoidance. Her hand was in the air. "I think the amplifying voice spell would be useful in defense because you can confuse your attacker. Maybe even scare him. Once second could make a world of difference." What the actual name of that spell was, she had no clue. When he turned to Valentine, he full on did expect a mention of the disillusionment and revealing spells. After all, that was the rub of the lesson, was it not?
It was a pleasant surprise, which brought a broad grin to his features, when she opted to go a completely different, and welcome, route. He could have clapped, had he been a man driven to outward gestures of emotion and expression such as that. Instead, he nodded with what very well might have been a hint of pride. "Very well stated, Ms. Valentine. An excellent application of a spell. That, would most definitely work."
Unless said person was wearing earmuffs like a certain first year.... Text Cut: Adair Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack O____________O
Zander's eyes opened up HUGE after one look over at the board. This would take forever. His hand would be cramping for YEARAS, he was sure. Or maybe he was being dramatic.... One could never really tell. But either way, the Gryffindor wasted no time grabbing hold of his quill and starting to take note of every single thing written on the board. It was clear, however, that as he continued writing the quality of his hand writing was slowly declining... But his notes look legible... Sort of. And if not, maybe he could ask to look at Damien's notes later or something. Or even Sophie's. Sophie took FANTASTIC notes. He knew that much, at least.
As for the question, it was a fairly easy one... But he was still taking down some notes and multitasking was hard. So he was going to stick to notes for right now. Plus, by the time he finished scribbling everything down, there'd probably be even MORE to write down too. Never ending cycle. A shame really. Sabel's gaze slipped past Adair, who was writing so fast he expected to see smoke coming from the tip of his quill at any moment.
It was at that precise moment, that Sabel had the sudden fancy of disillusioning the kid's notebook. Everyone was talking about constant vigilance and keeping on one's toes, and that seemed like it might be a perfect example. Unfortunately he had not hidden any dummies or colleagues around the room, and an example almost seemed necessary. Even if the kid would be able to feel the book still, it was likely that the sudden disappearance would shock him into dropping it.
Sabel twirled his wand between his fingers, seriously debating it. Only after a minute did he let his attention move on. It would almost be cruel to do such a thing to a studious student. Now, if he had been doodling instead of taking notes.... Text Cut: Newell Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Caleb really HADN'T been all that thrown off by the half-invisible professor. Hogwarts really HAD desensitized him to the weird, he believed. After all, it was amazing these days if you could just survive the school year - half invisible man? Not even a twitch of surprise, really.
But OOOOOOH this sounded like it was going to be a FUN class! And DUELLING CLUB! That was always fun too! He hadn't really gotten too involved in extracurricular activities since Quidditch had been cancelled years ago, so he should probably try and do SOMETHING at school this term before he was gone for good.
He raised his hand to answer the question. "You can use it to sneak into places you don't belong. Like the Restricted section of the library," he said. Not that HE would ever do it. But you know, if you NEEDED to. Sneak into.......... Sabel shook his head in disbelief.
Merlin, he was going to cause problems around the school by teaching this spell, wasn't he? Too bad it was so integral to survival out in the real world. He might have considered changing the lesson plan right then and there if he could be convinced otherwise.
Letting out a huff of air, Sabel fixed the kid with a long look. "I suppose there might be some defensive tactics tucked away in there." And no that was NOT an invitation to go snooping. "Though sneaking into places you don't belong is the best way to get yourself in a rut with the Dark Arts."
Perhaps he should have brought in a certain red-head to help him with a side-note on that topic. And NO that was not an invitation either! Text Cut: Prince Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Daxton had watched the rearranging and melding of the chalkboards with mild interest, wondering what kind of magic that display was... what spell was being used. Not that he would likely have any need for such a spell in the near future, but he was curious all the same as it was not a kind of magic he had yet read about.
It was not long before Dakest's lips started moving again, and Daxton reasonably deduced that he was back to addressing the class. He did not, however, remove the earmuffs just yet. First, the Ravenclaw cast a scrutinising eye around the classroom, looking for anyone still with chalk and/or chalkboard, who might still be making that terrible scraping noise with them. Only when he was absolutely certain he was safe did he uncover his ears again.
Some of the relayed information had therefore been missed, which was endlessly frustrating, but in this instance Daxton prioritised protecting himself and his senses over hearing the entire lecture on a topic he may well be able to find in a book. It had been important. It had been necessary.
Unsurprisingly, Daxton offered no answers to the Professor's question, and instead sat silently, looking between Dakest and the board a couple of times, and then again at Char, and then down at his notebook. Unwilling and unable he may be when it came to verbally providing a response, Daxton was not incapable of thinking up an answer, or of writing it down for his own benefit. He picked up his perfectly non-magical ball-point pen again, and wrote down what he might have said if he could. If he wanted to. SPOILER!!: Notebook Daxton Prince
First Year
Defence Against the Dark Arts Concealing/Revealing
Concealment in Defence Against the Dark Arts, or any sort of defence or self-protection at all, is obviously useful and important if you are being pursued or hunted. If there are assassins after you, and you do not know where they are or how far from you they might be or even how many of them or various other factors, concealing yourself - making yourself invisible - could be useful. Concealment/invisibility/disguise is also useful when it comes to the matter of gaining information from enemy forces. If nobody sees you or notices you, they are likely to talk about matters possibly concerning you. If you are hidden, you can listen in on their conversations and their plans and gain information that will give you an advantage, especially if they do not know you have it.
Revealing is useful for obvious reasons. Many threats are invisible, or can make themselves blend in. Real threats in the form of humans tend to be intelligent, and they will have the skills to conceal themselves. A smart person would learn to detect when an invisible threat is nearby, and should know how to reveal them. I think that the quiet, hidden threats, when it comes to the Dark Arts, are probably more dangerous than the loud, open, and obvious. If you are dealing with the Dark Arts, learning to recognise and reveal them is imperative. If nothing else, it removes some of the power from the threat, and power can be everything.
Looking up again from his notebook, Daxton went back to observing the room at large, before a thought occurred to him. Were there more invisible people here in the training hall? Dakest had just demonstrated how possible invisibility was; if he could do that to his legs, what was stopping anyone else from lingering in the room, fully invisible. Daxton looked around the room again, as though he might see or otherwise sense someone of the sort, but found nothing, not that he really expected to.
Daxton's eyes found Dakest again, and this time he stared at the man for a good long while, thinking, thinking... Then there was Prince. The utterly silent one that kept fixing the board and others and himself with the most thoughtful of stares. Silence was no indication of brainpower here.
So, the kid got a return stare of equal thoughtful nature. Just what was going on in that head of his? And what, exactly, had been written on that paper? More importantly, what was with the earmuffs? He was curious. Text Cut: Bellaire Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Why?
A question he often found himself asking while his quill hustled to catch every word of the response. This time he was the one giving the response and he didn't think even his quick quotes quill could make it sound cool enough. There was nothing cool about a wand that worked against you. "My wand's defective, Sir. It does what it wants and doesn't listen to me." Only half true; it seemed to have been doing okay in Astronomy class...'cept it never shot anything in the direction he told it to but then Charms happened and His wand needed to go back to the drawing board.
Blaise leaned forward resting his elbows on either crossed leg as he listened with avid interest to everything the Professor was saying. At the risk of having his notes completely skewed, the boy let his quill take down the important stuff so he could pay his FULL attention.
There were ways around using magic to get desire results. There was hope for him being a wizard yet! "Well, the way I see it, lots of things are stronger than you and better at magic than you so sometimes fighting back isn't an option and concealing could save your butt." Fast retreat and all that. "And if something was being extra super sneaky to try and get'cha, you could blow its cover--not that that'll help if it's stronger and smarter and faster and actually has magic that works but yeah..." He got the idea. Sabel's brow furrowed at Bellaire's answer. A defective wand? It wasn't unheard of for sure, especially among first years. In any class it wasn't exactly the best thing to have, most certainly not in DADA. Good thing they weren't doing anything too risky, like fighting off lethifolds today. "Wands can be fickle things. It'll take some time, and lots of practice, to get used to each other."
Or it could take a life threatening situation to put the two on the same page. Perhaps DADA would be good for the 'bonding' aspect, without the inherent mortal danger, which was of course very important. "Saving one's butt is always a good thing." Sabel chuckled, nodding at the kid's enthusiasm. "And it might help. Just think of the advantage you already gain being able to see. Not all battles have to be won with magic." And that would be his little muggle-advocacy for the day. Text Cut: Messer Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Oh no! Didn't she ever told him back in first year that she didn't like hug? Even a quick one? Maybe the Ravenclaw forgot. Its been a while after all. Sow when Kyroh hugged her, she just stood there like a statue. Maybe she should tell him again about the hugging thing after class, yeah?
She knew the answer for the first two questions. It wasn't that hard. And Kyroh did what she asked helped her hung her chalk board. "Thanks, Kyroh." Thank Merlin for the Ravenclaw, if not she had to go all the way over there to hang her chalk board. Efforts. Meh!
And looked at that note on the board. It would took her forever to copy that.
Candice was almost finished copying the notes, when she heard the Professor asked next question. Ohh. She knew the answer for that question but first she needed to finish her notes.
The Gryffindor raised her hand in the air after she finished with her notes. "Revealing charm can be used when you're lost in the middle of the woods and you see this creepy house where you can take shelter for the night but your instinct tell you that there's something fishy about the place." One thing was for sure, there were some inventive answers going on.
It took Sabel a moment to piece together exactly where the Gryffindor's answer was going, which had him nodding very slowly and quite a few times. "You may be able to detect....if someone is inside or ready to ambush you." That was what she had meant, right? "Very...true." Text Cut: Winchester Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Colt saw all of the notes the Professor was writing on the board. Man that was a lot. He was just in awe of how many suggestions his classmates said. No way in bloody merlin was he gonna be able to copy all of that down. He just tried to remember it and possibly the activity would help him out more. Now onto the question at hand. He heard Professor Dakest ask how concealing and revealing, could be of use in the Defense Against the Dark Arts. He smirked and knew some ideas because his teacher asked him this concept in Durmstrang. He began to form his thoughts before he said them out loud.
He thought of an obvious one, you could use concealing for revenge. You could dig up dirt on one of your enemies or you could sneak into your siblings room and steal something of theirs. Hey it is just fair. He wish he could do that to his cousins. He tried to think of a revealing example and couldn't think of one but his other classmates were doing a better job so he went with theirs. He raised his hand to answer, "Profesor you could use the concealing for revenge. I mean if you wanna dig up dirt on someone you can become invisible and sneak into their personal belongings OR you could sneak into your siblings room and steal their stuff." It was something he would do. "For revealing aspect I will go with what Hady said." Use invisibility for revenge, and stealing? Were they going to have to hold a side-lesson on morality as well today?
Sabel's brow furrowed in disapproval. "Perhaps if the person is a bad person you were trying to bring to lawful justice, or your sibling had an item that was unsafe. Those types of intentions would certainly be of a defensive nature." DADA, not charms class. Though, the lines were quite blurred with the spells under discussion. "I would have to argue though, Mr. Winchester, that revenge is, in many ways, an act of dark nature itself." Text Cut: Hyland Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi So they were going to learn the disillusionment charm?! Yoongi was nearly crying with happiness. Finally they were going to learn a spell he had wanted to learn for so long now. But because he had been so excited, he had only been thinking about the possibilities he could have when using that spell in daily life and been spacing out that he had forgotten to write down on his blackboard. Oops?
When the Professor revealed his lower half again and asked them to come up with scenarios in which they could use the spell and how to reveal it , he began to think. Well, obviously they had used the charm during the search and rescue mission to keep hidden from the acromantulas last year but to say that answer would be stealing ideas didn’t it? So he thought some more and then raised his hand in the air. “Imagine a city terrorised by a vampire and to keep it away you could hang garlic around the city but with using the charm they would be invisible to the dark creature and so they wouldn’t know where they are and would run for their not lives!” griiiiiiin. Oh he was so smart. Vampires. Those were definitely Dark Creatures. So, already he was nodding. And then his nodding was slowing. Using the invisiblity spell to incognito hide garlic cloves to drive out the vampires?
Well, that would certainly work. An idea he wasn't quite sure he had ever heard before. A small smile touched the corners of his lips. "Might be worth passing that suggestion on to the Ministry, Mr. Hyland." Text Cut: Valentine (Angel) Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor how about when the end of the world is about to happen and we need to defend ourselves from everyone else?" Angel had no idea what would happened then. "I'm sure there would be mass panic, kaos and destruction." Angel never wanted to see it but she was sure she had come close last year. Sabel's attention went to the other Valentine, and he had to blink a few times to make sure he was actually seeing her. Of all the people in the classroom, she was one of the last he expected to come up with such a dark and weighted topic. "I suppose, at that time you might want to disillusion yourself to protect yourself." Couldn't deny the truth of it. Just...what was it doing coming from the normally good natured Gryffindor? Text Cut: Brown Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny A weird combination of relieved and unnerved that Evie returned to sit by her, Sophie tried to forget that Evie was there for the time being as she reviewed the different bullet points on the board, absorbing them with ease. They were all kind of common sense, things she would easily recall on an exam or something, so she wasn't taking notes.
Nope, all in the ol' noggin.
His question was weird, though, and Sophie squinted. Surely he was trying to just get their gears turning and make them think about stuff, but his question was SO SIMPLE. More common sense things, and Sophie was unsurprised that plenty of people had things to offer up. Obviously concealing was useful to keep oneself safe and hidden, whereas revealing was also good to keep oneself safe and aware of surroundings. Pretty much everything the others had already alluded to, so... Sophie kept her hand down, but still tried to look at least mildly interested in what the others had to say so Dakest didn't think she wasn't paying attention.
She was, of course. Just had nothing constructive to offer to the table that others hadn't already said.
There was something wrong when Brown didn't talk, put up her hand or otherwise look enthralled in interest. Something very wrong. Patronus class type wrong.
He was willing to bet his galleons that it had something to do with the icy gap between her and Shacklebolt next to her. The silence got an arched eyebrow, and his gaze lingered on her a long moment as if waiting and hoping that she was just in deep thought and would pipe up.
Apparently, he was mistaken. Text Cut: Romalotti Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone It was as if the world had suddenly gone silent at the Professor's words. A pindrop silent. Because the man had said THINGS and Phillip was NOT used to that. He was used to getting his way, being cheeky and not getting told off for it and now...........
He shut his mouth -- how long had THAT been open?? -- and took a large gulp. "Noted, Professor," he said, looking him dead in the eyes and giving him a nod of his head. He was a ROMALOTTI and while he might not have a point to prove, he was not going to back down.
Luckily for him, the lesson moved ON and he started taking some notes on what was written on the board. His favourite answer? Jedi. He even made a small point of drawing a lightsaber next to that answer just for the sake of it. AHAHAHA, why didn't HE think of that one?
Professor was asking how they could use this in a Defence situation, wasn't he? Phillip tapped his chin in thought. "If you want to fight with a DARK DARK FORCE, being invisible gives you the upper hand. You're more likely to kick some serious butt if you're invisible." Granted that the other person didn't use the revealing charm. Good thing it was noted. He'd hate to have to note and enforce it.
The kid got a nod and then the issue was dropped. No sense in hinging on things, or being gruff about it the whole class. What was done was done.
A small smile did reform at the boy's answer. At least someone appreciated the muggle reference. "Kicking butt is important. As is saving your butt. Which both charms work swimmingly for." Perhaps that was how he should word his lessons from now on. It almost seemed simpler. Easier to remember. Text Cut: Holiday Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Her classmates had come up with some really interesting ideas for attaining and detecting invisibility. Paulina had to admit that she was pretty impressed by it.
Quickly she took note of everything that Professor Dakest had put on the board. Were they going to become invisible for the class activity? If so, she thought that would be pretty cool so long as she didn't end up with paint thrown on her or was subjected to any of the other detection methods. Some of them seemed rather unpleasant - even her own suggestion.
As for the next question...her classmates were covering it pretty well. Paulina remained silent as she listened to what they had to say. Another silent one. Perhaps students were running out of answers and it was time to move things along?
She got a waiting look for a moment, to see if she might just be in deep thought, before his gaze moved on. Text Cut: Penrose Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Noooooooooootes. Notes. NOTES.
Reagan was writing notes, basically.
Professor Dakest had provided a board full of them, and with her hand flying back and forth to get all the information down, she'd almost missed the next question. To be honest, Rea wasn't too sure what she felt about Defensive magic. In the case of protecting defenseless creatures, she could see their uses...but they weren't usually implemented for those reasons. Mmm, something else to make a 'pet project' of.
...and she supposed using them for the protection of humans was good, too. Just not as important as witches and wizards had magic to protect themselves with, where more creatures did not. See the difference?
...Wait, what had the question been?
Raising her hand, Reagan beamed at the Defense Professor, all personal feelings about the subject aside. "Concealment Charms can be used in the protection of magical creatures; to guard them against predators and the like. Also, I think it's our responsibility to protect those that could not protect themselves." Mhm, like from people who'd hope to EAT them...or use their hides for their own selfish preservation. Witches and wizards, pls. "...and I think Revealing spells could be used in the reverse. If magical folk were hoping to sneak up on these poor, defenseless animals, they could be OUSTED with the same magic that they'd concealed themselves with."
Nailed it. When Penrose began speaking, Sabel found himself nodding a finger at her. "That, right there. Is a motto we should remember above all others. Protect those that cannot protect themselves." He almost wanted to put it as a motto above the training hall door, even if she had meant it in the context of animals.
Which, in and of itself was an admirable aim. "And those are both very good examples. Humans aren't the only ones wizards and witches are charged with protecting." Text Cut: Shacklebolt Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahlooo She was back in her seat spot on the floor and ready to take notes. Like Sophie, Evie was pretending the other was not there so she could keep all of her focus on the class and not on the girl beside her. But still, she wondered why the head girl had sat by her at all. Instead of dwelling on it, Evie sat criss-cross and began taking notes as fast as Professor Dakest was speaking. She made note of all possible ways to conceal yourself and all possible ways to unveil someone or something that was being concealed.
At his question, she raised her hand. "Concealing yourself is a great way to throw off an opponent in a duel and trick them. If they can't see you, they can't tell where your spells and hexes will be coming from." That was a smart move in anyone's book. His attention diverted to the other cold body in the room, though this one was slightly less silent than the other. Her answer had a smirk forming on the corners of his lips. "It really is, isn't it?"
Admittedly, he hoped that Shacklebolt would be signing up for the Dueling Club. She had shown great potential in his duel with her, it would be a pity for her experience and her career goals, if she didn't. Text Cut: Summers Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur Was she drooling?
Noelle had to physically check because .... Merlin. Luckily, she wasn't. She would have to keep her eyes down.
Noelle started scribbling what he was saying to keep from the distraction of his voice. oh his voice cough. Anyways. Notes. Noelle jotted down all she could. She looked at the board and not at the professor as she took notes.
She was pretty sure he was the professor that had helped when she had accidentally broke Tom's wrist. How had she not notice how..... pretty he was? Concentrate on the lesson Noelle. Concentrating, she tried to remember how to do the wand movement. It was a lot of information.
Then he was asking questions and Noelle couldn't think. She did hear Sabbie's answer though and giggled. Nudging him, she shook her head. Silly.
Noelle didn't answer though. She didn't know what to say. When silence was focused on writing, it was acceptable. Though, there was a strange deviation in her attention from her book to his direction and back again. But of course, the board was behind him. If Ms. Summers was taking notes, she would have to look up and at the board every once in a while. Text Cut: Wojack-Gusey Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin The professor was laughing at her, but Dot wasn't fussed. For one, because she hadn't really realized he'd be reading them like that all at once and so she didn't have time to freak out about him knowing about her angst. For the other, 'cause Kyroh was hugging the other girl and still not looking her way and so she was going to be heartbroken over embarrassed.
For now.
Being invisible was going to be very distracting and it was unlikely she'd stay melancholy for long. "You have to be aware of your surroundings and any approaching foes, sir, even if they're invisible. Being able to reveal the invisible is a pretty handy way to remove that one extra obstacle in their attack. Or... yeah." It didn't seem like his comment had helped at all. Pity. He didn't like the young Slytherin looking so upset. She was too young, in his opinion, to have to toil with such complicated emotions. Still, it wasn't exactly his place to get involved, was it?
At least, not for the moment. He nodded in response to her answer. "It does remove that advantage which they may aim to put over you. It's always important to be aware, of things that are and aren't there." Text Cut: Bayless Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Cinna was semi-proud of herself so far in this class. She had done pretty well. That in it's self was saying a lot. Anyway she didn't notice that Noelle was sitting beside her. She have the first year a smile. For whatever reason this first had really taken up with her. She didn't mind she liked her and all of these cute little firstie.
Wait, was Noelle drooling?
Haha. This was going to be another Zander and Bentley thing was it? And yes, Zander Adair Cinna still remembers who your first crush was. Staring at the ex professors portrait. Drooling over her. Hehe.
Anyway back to the questions, and she had answers. Or at least she thought she had. Everyone else had said or said something similar to what she wanted to say so she set quietly and continued to listen. No sense on repeating what was already said.
And another silent one. Bayless got the same waiting consideration as the others, before it was evident that she had nothing else to add.
Given answers seemed to be running short, and time was precious, Sabel decided the lingering silence was about the right opportunity to move on.
Clapping his hands together, Sabel rose to his feet. "Alright, so we can all agree that the ability and chance of saving one's butt, and another's butt, can be dramatically enhanced by being able to disillusion oneself and detect disillusionment."
See? So much simpler to explain things in that way.
Turning slightly to the chalkboard, Sabel motioned towards the description of the disillusionment charm. "As stated, the charm is fairly simple to do. If you are casting it on yourself or another person, hold your wand above your head, or the part of your body which you want to disillusion and make a motion of wraping a rope around yourself." He gave a brief demonstration, but withheld casting the charm again. "If you are casting it on an object, you simply tap it. The incantation is Disillusio."
They all got that, right? Hopefully, given half of them had been scribbling like mad quills. "As for the revealing charms and tactics, there are a number of spells and charms that can be used. Revelio as discussed, and it's variations, as well as such spells as fumos, aguamenti and so forth." Be creative kiddos.
Tucking his wand back in it's holster on his wrist, Sabel cracked his knuckles and grinned at the gathered students. "Of course, what is theory without some practice? So, everyone up. We are going on a bit of a ... field trip."
Yes, they were actually going to leave the training hall for once in the history of his lessons. Sabel was about to do just that when he stopped and turned back to the gathered. It was probably the first and the only time he let his hesitation show in front of his students, and may have looked even a bit vulnerable.
Indeed even his voice was like he was sharing with them some grand secret. "Now, many of you suggested other uses for these charms. I would like to remind you that I am teaching this to you in the hopes that one day it may benifit your survival, and defense against dark arts. I would take it as a personal favor if you didn't.....cause too much uproar with your...homework and practice."
Why not no uproar? Because that was like asking the sun not to shine and the wind not to blow. Students would be students, and they would get up to their mischief. If they did, he merely expected them to do it so well that they wouldn't get caught. There could be no uproar for anything that could not be proved, right? Right.
That out of the way, his grin was firmly back in place. "Now then, follow me!" ------------- OOC: Howdy again!
Alright, we are moving! Feel free to post your character leaving the classroom if you would like, but it is not required (all responses can go in the next thread if you prefer ). Further instructions will be posted in the next thread We are going HERE.
Please TITLE all your posts with DADA Lesson 1 - Post #.
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |