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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amur Neverwinter Fourth Year | ~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ So, this was going mightily well already. Where he thought that perhaps the announcement of the dueling club, the presence of his invisible legs (or lack-thereof) and the immediate silent assignment would garner some chatter and conversation among the group, he was abruptly surprised to find that it was silent. Silent save for the scratching of chalk on chalkboards and the patter of feet. Here and there was a word or two, but that was about it.
It all made him rather.....cautious. Either something was up, and they were all plotting together, or they simply weren't as awake as they seemed. He began deliberating ways in which he could get them all a bit more uppity, when the first chalkboard came up.
Turning halfway, Sabel pulled out his wand and began sorting them. Like went with like, and were combined into single boards, words mixing and melding and sorting themselves under and around one another. The final effect would be one big chalkboard, with each and every student answer on it, sorted into groups of the 'same'. SPOILER!!: Some Individual Responses :) SPOILER!!: Burton Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven Asking her? Oh, it must be because of the splint on her shoulder. The professor didn't need to know that this injury was caused by an older student cast a fail levitating charm on her... and she's the one who insisted to do it. "I'm good, sir." Ava nodded at him. She just slightly waved to Adi when he waved at her. And also, Henric was here too. Maybe he still felt guilty about her shoulder because he was the one who made her fell. "It's getting better." The firstie said to him. No need to worry about her, she's healing pretty fast!
Yup. That's enough. Thankfully she could still write although her handwriting was quite messy because of this injury. Good. She was good. Well, that was good as long as she remained good. Sabel eyed the first year for a long moment before nodding. "Well if it gets non-good, you be sure to let me know. Alright?"
DADA wasn't exactly the kindest lesson to participate in when there were injuries, so he would be keeping a close eye on her. But, she seemed to be managing with the writing, so for now he would let his concerns rest.
And her chalkboard, made him realize something he should probably address... SPOILER!!: Gimenez Quote:
Originally Posted by Scorpio Vulpeculae Barefooted, Sabbath had entered the DADA classroom. He’d greeted Professor Dakest who was standing in the centre of room receiving his students. Sabbath cricked his eyebrow, 'Well, this gives a whole new meaning to turning up to class legless!' He joked to himself when he saw that lower half of the professor was missing. However, he actually did find it quite an impressive feat and he realised he could probably learn a lot from Professor Dakest.
Sabbath was keen to start learning. He grabbed a chalkboard, sat down and started addressing the Professors first set task:
[textcut] I have no idea how to create invisibility, but I definitely intend to find out - that's a mighty fine trick if you’re caught with your pants down, Sir!
I guess, to detect invisibility you could fire a muggle fire extinguisher in the suspected direction and coat the person with the non-flammable powder.[/textcut]
Sabbath crossed the room, hung up his chalkboard and returned to his spot. ...That thing he needed to address, was only solidified by the next board that was hung up. Had he not been in a professional position, and required to maintain some semblance of decorum around the students, Sabel might have let his smirk turn into a full blown grin.
As it was, the kid got a side-eye of a rather amused nature. "It does have its uses." SPOILER!!: Prince and Kettleburn Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir He had just been about to squeeze his eyes shut for good measure, when a movement out of the corner of his eye made Daxton glad that he had not already done so. This way, he was prepared for Char to... do whatever it was she was doing. He tensed up and got ready to retaliate, fully expecting her to touch him, but the next thing he knew, he felt the unfamiliar fabric of his earmuffs close over the tops of his hands.
Daxton was completely nonplussed. She hadn't touched him at all. In fact, her actions worked completely in his favour. He blinked, then slid his hands out from under his earmuffs so they covered his ears on their own and blocked out the noise, and looked up at Char's chalkboard to read her message.
For a moment, he stalled. As a general rule, Daxton did not accept help, not not like to admit that he needed help (because he never needed help). But then, he had been looking forward to Defence Against the Dark Arts classes for a good long while, and he actually wanted to participate. For a few moments, he struggled with the internal dilemma, staring at one of the little snails Char had drawn. Finally, with his expression still as impassive as ever, he gave a single nod of his head and picked up his notebook and wrote his answer.
[textcut] The Disillusionment Charm can be used to make a person invisible or close to it. A person could also use mirrors to create an illusion of invisibility. Alternatively, camouflage is also possible.
Homenum Revelio reveals an invisible human, just as it reveals a non-invisible, hidden human. As well as revealing the invisible person, you can also rely on your other senses to detect them without magic.[/textcut]
Daxton did not dot any dots with snails, or any other animal, vegetable or mineral. Just small, neatly printed words in biro on paper. When he was done, he held out the notebook so Char could read it, and nudged his chalkboard across to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Well okay see? That worked really good! Charlotte took PRINCE Daxton's chalkboard and wrote out the answer he'd done on his notebook, and even left off (most) of the snails. Only one, a little one, at the very end.
Once she was done with that, she placed it in front of him, gave him a VERY ENTHUSIASTIC double thumbs up, and picked her own chalkboard up again.
...... what was the question again? Oh yeah!
Tongue poking out just a bit, Charlotte wrote her answer in the space that was left, it not having had occurred to her to erase what she'd written, she simply crossed it out so that there was essentially a scribbly border around her lengthy answer (with which, she provided diagrams, so there wasn't a single bit of space left by the time she was done).
[textcut] You could make someone THINK someone or something is invisible, even if they AREN'T, like put a glamour on just that one person that you want not to see a thing, or use one of those complicated MIND SPELLS to make them think they are seeing (or not seeing) something, or HYPNOTIZE THEM like you can do with chickens! (*insert here a diagram of a chicken being hypnotized, and an arrow pointing to a patch where there was nothing, because that was meant to be the bit that the chicken couldn't see*)
You could probably throw a little scrap of paper or something else at where the thing that you think is there that you can't see (like your legs), and if it bounces off the nothing, then there's actually a something! Or you could use a potion probably! Or even water maybe you could throw that! Because it would still drip and make puddles or footprints and that would give the invisible thing away! (*and insert two helpful pictures, one of screwed up paper balls being tossed at invisible legs, and one of drippy wet footprints*)[/textcut]
By the time she was done, it was quite a feat to be able to decipher everything on her chalkboard, there was a LOT going on (including little snails dotting her i's), one needed to give it time to SINK in. So, he hadn't seen Prince's utter rejection of the chalk, given he was already turning back to the front of the classroom. Hadn't noticed the earmuffs either until they were actually on the boy. It was strange, and got a strange look, but then perhaps his ears got cold. Unbearably so. Like with how some people's feet got rigid cold. It could be a thing.
What was interesting to him, was the dynamic that sprouted between an enthusiastic Kettleburn (who got a warm smile and nod of the head upon her greeting), and the silent Prince. Sabel watched them for a few moments, concerned he might have to make a comment about passing chalk notes. But all before he could come up with anything to say, Kettleburn was hanging both chalkboards on the wall, with her writing on both.
Had he not seen some paper showing going on, and what looked like transcribing, he might have had to have a further word with the pair. As it was, for the moment, it wasn't immediately necessary. He'd be keeping a weather eye on the two of them though.
The drawings were a nice, refreshing touch. SPOILER!!: AJ Quote:
Originally Posted by MudInMyBlood A few blinks later, AJ felt a tiny bit more aware of her surroundings. At least enough so that she could process the professor was indeed talking to her, and a response was probably necessary. At the very least it would be polite to speak back. She rubbed her eyes and flicked away an eye booger that escaped on to her hand. "More sleep." You would think she was a cave man. Eventually she would wake up...
Benny arrived... or maybe not? "Hi--" she managed to squeak out before he decided on sitting over there with another girl. If AJ had been fully awake this would have been highly suspicious. For now though, she could only focus on one problem at a time, and that one problem was staying awake. Priorities!
The lesson was starting which meant that she needed to wake up. Not one, but TWO questions were being asked and all at once. Wasn't there a rule about this? It was too early for mess. "Think, Valentine," she thought to herself. Wait a minute. Did he say a dueling club? AJ's eyes brightened and her ears perked up. She was all about that life. It would be better to ask her dad to sign the permission slip because her mom wasn't always so understanding when it came to "violence" as she liked to refer to it.
Picking up her chalk she began to scribble things down in a sort of legible fashion.
[textcut] If you had an invisibility cloak, it would be dead useful. No spell needed. Some people can't react under pressure. #helpful
If something seems fishy, it probably is. You could flail your arms about and see if you make contact with something hard. I mean, I would be able to feel your legs right now, right?[/textcut]
Hopefully that all made sense. She was waking up, but it was a process. Now she needed to put her chalkboard up. "Pssst... can you put mine up with yours? Pretty please!" she asked of Adi. Only sleepy? Well, that was good. No need to rush a student off to the hospital wing first thing this morning. Their class lesson would most certainly change in an instant if that was the case.
At least Valentine was perking up a bit. There was hope that she would come around! SPOILER!!: Rehman Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 The Man Crush Dakest had a good sense of humour. Yes, he did! Adi slapped his forehead. "Come to think of it, I did see someone's lower half trying to get into the KITCHEN. But having no hands, it couldn't tickle the pear... so it was just slumped there dejectedly against the wall.'' Hahaaa.
But no more concern could be expressed over Henric right now. Wait... waaaah? They would be doing the invisibility to themselves later? COOOOOL! And as for the Dueling Club... DOUBLE COOL! Adi would definitely be picking up a permission slip!
Okaaaay, so they were supposed to write what may have caused the invisibility? Adi knew very well it may be the Disillusionment Charm but everyone would go with that answer, yes? Why not separate himself from the crowd a bit? Dakest did say that they could be creative. Adi wrote on his board:
[textcut]Wrapping an Invisibility Cloak around your lower half, Professor, may have helped create the illusion that have of you is missing.
Breathing, body temperature or ifthe invisible person knocks anything over or creates any noise can be used to detect invisibility. It it's an object that's invisible, I suppose just feeling about will have to do. But if it's hidden messages, the Revealing Charm can be used.[/textcut]
All done, the Puffer jumped up to hang his board. Oh! AJ wanted him to hang hers too? How could he say no to her? Not to his baby. "Yup but you owe me,'' he kidded. Both of their boards in hand, he hung them up. Holy Griffs! Looking at their boards after he sat again, Adi noticed something... the couple almost had written the same answers! How awesome was that? He really shouldn't encourage it, but the fact was that he simply couldn't help it. Rehman's response got a good natured laugh from him. "Not being able to tickle a pear puts me in a right mood too."
These kids. Where did they get some of their answers from? SPOILER!!: Truebridge Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Yes, Davie WAS looking contemplative this morning. He was contemplating how obvious it would be if the professor had just cast a Disillusionment Charm on his legs, and how difficult doing the legs alone would be since the spell involved something like cracking an egg over ones head. Anyway, he had a different theory for what the professor had done to make himself invisible.
[textcut] You are wearing trousers made out of demiguise silk, similar to an invisibility cloak but instead you have invisibility pants. (If those haven't been invented yet, I claim the copyright to make the first-ever pair, sir.)
Secondly, you could use an enchanted map (like the Maurader's Map) to find invisible people, or you could use homenum revelio or look for a slight shimmering to the air, or you could accidentally walk into the person.[/textcut]
There. Davie dusted off his hands and went to hang up his chalkboard with everyone else's. He was curious, so curious to see what the descendant of the Headmistress's line would come up with. Unfortunately, given he was trying to retain a semi-professional demeanour, it prompted him to laughter yet again.
Shaking his head, Sabel grinned at the first year. "I don't believe they have Mr. Truebridge. You can probably quit school right now and pursue that patent."
He wasn't going to get a howler for suggesting such a ridiculous idea, was he? SPOILER!!: Rose Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionegold Gwen tried to come up with an answer that she hadn't heard yet. Yes, invisible pants were a likely idea, and the charm was definitely the obvious answer. Hmm, but what about....a potion! As a young student in America, she had been taught to create potions. Well, it wasn't exactly creating them, because they never did anything-you would have to be Severus Snape to actually invent potions--but she had always loved the idea of potions, especially ones that only worked on a certain part of the body. The silent Ms. Rose confused him. Or rather the lack of writing upon a chalkboard. It looked like a rather profound idea had sparked in her head, but she seemed either too enthralled by it to share, or reluctant to do so. He wasn't sure. "The board won't bite Ms. Rose." Unless, one spoke to Prince, who had somehow avoided even writing on his board. SPOILER!!: Romalotti Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Professor Man say WHAT?!
A tournament. There was going to be a tournament. On DUELLING. The thought of having to try and convince his mum to let him take part didn't even cross the Slytherin's mind. His mind was too focused on the DUELLING and the TOURNAMENT parts to think of minor details. This sounded like it was going to be E P I C! And not something he could get someone else to find out FOR him so he was DEFINITELY going to go.
Oh, they were getting started. And with questions and writing already. Uh. How was Phillip meant to know how Dakest managed to turn himself invisible? Maybe the guy was one of those people that could turn themselves into an animal anytime they wanted and he wanted to be a chameleon -- why a CHAMELEON, Phillip didn't know -- and THEN he only transformed HALF of his body -- stupid, really -- and camouflaged it against the background. It sounded like a plan, didn't it?
But something told him that that wasn't it so he put his brain back into thinking mode. Hmmm...... invisibility cloak? He glanced over at Dakest and tapped his chin. Probably not. This man wouldn't go around wearing a long invisibility skirt, would he? No.
But then?
[textcut]I don't know but I bet you're going to teach us and if you're not, I'm going to be VERY DISAPPOINTED.
Can invisible people be revealed in an epic game of laser tag?[/textcut]
Nailed it. So far, things were going quite well. So far, everyone had at least made an attempt at putting forward an idea. And that was all he really asked for. Really, he was quite pleased.
That pleased notion, however, stalled when the next board went up. Say what now?
Sabel eyed the first line, then the kid, then the first line again. At least the second line was an attempt, so full flack wouldn't be given. Still, all he had asked for was an effort to make a guess, regardless of how educated or uneducated it was.
Letting out a sigh, Sabel arched an eyebrow at the kid. "A footnote for your lesson notes. Your disappointment in this class doesn't concern me. Your efforts do." And for those listening in on that small reprimand, there was a difference.
Those who had taken the patronus class would know what he meant. SPOILER!!: Borzekowski-Thomas Quote:
Originally Posted by Casey O Okay…invisibility…Ellery LOVED THIS. Okay, she was already imagining ALL THE HIJINKS SHE AND OLLY COULD GET UP TO WHILE INVISIBLE. MERLIN'S PANTS. Or, in the case of the professor, lack of pants.
She could see other girls mostly, though maybe a couple boys, admiring the professor's face. Ellery scrutinized it. It was pretty symmetrical-looking, at least from her vantage point, but it wasn't very attractive. Maybe she was just looking at him weird.
She did think, though, that professors needed to stop thinking everyone knew spells and stuff. Yeah, her daddies were both magical, but she didn't PAY ATTENTION to them all the time, geez louise.
She took a wild guess.
[textcut] I think that you are probably wearing a demiguise hide cloak thing around your waist like a towel or skirt or something like that.
And you could walk everywhere with outstretched hands to see feel if people are invisible.[/textcut]
She demonstrated. THRIILLEEEER. And just as he was turning his attention away from Romalotti, a first year walking in a strange fashion caught his eye. He blinked twice and had to read her chalkboard to see if it was related, or perhaps just a force of habit. A chuckle left him at both the answers. "I've been told skirts aren't very flattering for my ankles." SPOILER!!: Summers Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur noelle didnt realize Cinna was close to her either. Her hero!! Beaming, she wiggled her fingers at the seventh year. Her eyes couldnt stay away from the professor long because they instantly snapped back to him. She sighed happily at the sight of him. Her future husband.... ahem...
Oh right... He was speaking. Even his voice was amazing!
Another happy sigh. Future husband could talk to her any day. All day in fact.
Chalk board!
Noelle had grabbed one of those. She had no idea what to write on it however... she didnt know the first thing about how he was making his bottom half disappear... WAIT his bottom half was gone? Noelle hadnt even noticed. She was too busy looking at her husband's ... future husband's face.
Scribbling on the chalkboard, she wanted to impress him, but honestly, she knew nothing.
[textcut] I dont know... but I'm sure you'll teach me... If i dont get it, you can keep me after class.
Also, Being invisible might help... with sneaking out of the castle.[/textcut]
Noelle Grace Summers.
What has gotten into you?
Hey she did what she was told to... sort of. And no sooner was the Thriller dance over and done with, and he was hoping for yet more entertaining reads, Sabel caught sight of the next board. Another one. Really, he hadn't expected two.
One eyebrow arched as he fixed the girl with a flat stare. There was a funny little truth that may not have been known to students. It was not his job, or any other Professor's job, to be responsible for a student's learning. Their teaching yes, their learning, no. "If you don't get it Ms. Summers, there is something called practice makes perfect." And not on his own time. He'd help, if asked for help, but he wouldn't force anyone into it. They were all busy people. Retaining people for after class, was a matter of problems, not a lack of learning.
And Merlin he really had to address that one particular point.... SPOILER!!: Bellaire Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Did he want to learn that spell? Blaise's face lit up again and there was a whole bunch of enthusiastic nodding...before he was pulled right back down again by the reminder of his defective wand. "I mean...I would like to be able to do that but it's not currently possible." The most positive statement he'd tried since finding out his wand was a bust. The boy should have known from all the way back when it attacked in the wand shop that this would be a rocky relationship but did the boy listen? No. He'd just wanted a wand really badly and now he was stuck with THIS one. Would his mum get him another? He would try owling her later, probably with a long story about having broken the current one and a whole bunch of sweet words to remind her about her adorable 11 year old on the other side of the parchment. It was the only way.
For now though, he would focus on the lesson and the Professor talking about a dueling club he couldn't join because of his defective wand then the charm he'd obviously cast on himself.
Only question was...HOW was Blaise meant to know any of that? Was there more than one spell that could make you invisible? How did you ...un...invisible yourself after?
At first the boy tried leaning over to peek at someone else's chalkboard then he tried signalling for his quill to copy whatever it saw from someone else's chalkboard but both proved futile so with a huff, he turned to his own once more. Hmm. The Professor said they didn't HAVE to be textbook responses, yeah? So....
[textcut] Another way to make yourself look like you do, Professor, is if you had someone cut you in half. It'd be painful for sure and you'd probably need a Healer right after but it'd get the job done.
If you lost half of yourself and couldn't remember how to make it so you can see it again, I hear throwing flour would be useful. Kinda like in those muggle films when they THINK there's a ghost so they throw flour and it hits whatever's there.[/textcut]
Let it not be said he didn't try. Blaise got up off the floor and headed back to hang his chalkboard as instructed. He wouldn't even look at the others, they wouldn't help him NOW that he'd submitted his. The kid's face was like a rollercoaster. Up and down in emotions that was exhausting to watch. Sabel could only imagine what it would be like to experience them.
Still, the sentiment confused him, and his brow furrowed. "And why wouldn't it be possible?" This was defense class. It was important to be able to do things. If the kid couldn't, for whatever reason, it was kind of important to know.
As for the boy's chalkboard when it went up? Sabel could only shake his head in wonder. Physically halfing someone was not what he had in mind for this lesson. There was an undeniable truth though, it would work. SPOILER!!: Wojack-Gusey Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Dot grinned broadly at the professor's greeting, because they were super chill and got along well... and then she wasn't grinning anymore but was turning around from her seat on the floor to find Kyroh. Who had NOT sat with her... probably because she was distracting... but was instead sitting next to a very pretty girl that Dot didn't know.
She gnawed her lip and tried to focus on the chalkboard, which was very challenging because she wanted to write out a list of possible reasons Kyroh hadn't sat with her but had sat with another PRETTY GIRL PERSON. Not the lesson, unfortunately. Not the point at all.
[textcut] 1. Invisible trousers. Disillusionment, but the spell type and not the type of feeling you get when your boyfriend won't sit with you in class. Invisibility cloak. Reflective Muggle high tech stuff from a secret lab.
2. Walk around with your hands in the air. The person revealer spell. I actually think I"m already invisible because Kyroh no one sat by me.
She hung her chalkboard on the wall and flopped back to the floor. See, he hadn't thought it was going to be a dramatic class, but there were a few students who were riding rather large waves of emotions. Wojack-Gusey was one of them. From super happy to looking like she might chuck her chalk at someone, the change was almost instantaenous.
He didn't have to wonder too long, however, at what might have caused it. Seemed like none of the class would. While he really shouldn't have been amused, he quite frankly was, and rather thoroughly at that. Covering his mouth with his hand, and resting his elbow on his non-visible knee, Sabel read the chalkboard twice.
When he finally turned his gaze back to the young Slytherin, there was a glint of mischievousness in his eyes. Taking his hand away, Sabel tried to shrug off his silent chuckles. "Perhaps, Ms. Wojack-Gusey, what you meant to say was that blindness can be a great cause of invisibility?" SPOILER!!: Grouped Answers :) Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger [textcut] I’d guess you used a Disillusionment charm, as that can make body parts, people or anything disappear. Although an Invisibility cloak could work too, but it’s harder to really stay invisible.
One way to detect something invisible would be throwing paint or flour or anything that might stick to it at it. Or Homenum Revelio.[/textcut]
There. She’d sort of been creative, and the chalkboard got hung back on the peg she’d taken it from. Creative in as much as she felt like it. Either way, she figured they were all going to be turning themselves invisible before long. It would be interesting, anyhow. Quote:
Originally Posted by Stefan It was kind of hard to concentrate when their teacher sat on the floor with them. The sight was pretty disorienting in a way. Well, he ought to know what the professor did to himself by now, sure, but Ethan's gears started to churn, wondering if it was the Disillusionment Charm, the Invisibility Spell, or the Concealment Charm. The seventh year ruled out the invisibility spell, because he knew it won't last as long as a disillusionment charm. The Concealment charm was eliminated too because...well, Dakest isn't hiding something with magical properties down there, right? RIGHT. So, yes, Disillusionment Charm it is.
[textcut] The spell used was the Disillusionment Charm and can be lifted by using the human revealing spell, Homenum Revelio. Another way to detect human presence would be through noise from movements, body heat, and smell.[/textcut]
Picking up his chalk, he wrote down his answer, and as soon as he was done, stood up and hung the board back at the wall. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy For the moment, however, she needed to focus on the lesson at hand. Biting her lip, she wrote her thoughts down on the chalk board:
[textcut] I think the Disillusionment Charm is a good way to achieve this type of invisibility because it would be harder to do so with an Invisibility Cloak.
Setting up booby traps is a good way to detect invisibility - especially something like a net because then you could see the form of the invisible person.[/textcut]
Shrugging at her answers, Paulina got up and returned her chalk board to its peg before taking her seat again. Quote:
Originally Posted by Eriin WELLL okay. Dora knew a few things... she had studied her text for the class and well, her Dad was... pretty free about answering her questions most days. Picking up her chalk she began to write"
[textcut]The Disillusionment Charm will make one invisible, but an Invisibility cloak will also. A real cloak, made with Demiguise hair is rare, though... or one that actually lasts and works.
Homenium Revelio, is a spell to detect invisible HUMANS. Not sure it works on creatures or the like... what if there is an invisible house elf waiting to attack? WHAT THEN?[/textcut]
She stopped writing once she realized... she had begun to wrote down random thoughts... oh well. It was all pretty VALID, right? Sure it was. Hehe. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju Jet looked into the blank chalkboard for a while. 'Think outside the box', he had basically said. Her first thoughts went straight to the Disillusionment and the Human-Presence Revealing Charms. However, that was not thinking outside the box at all, but those were probably the most effective ways of doing what had been asked.
After thinking for a few minutes, Jet quickly wrote down her ideas.
[textcut] Invisibility Spell
Magical artifacts, such as a magical eye.[/textcut]
She got up and placed the chalkboard where it was meant to be and walked back to where she was previously. Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA Alright, back to her little chalk board....A way to become invisible and a way to detect invisibility. Hmmm......what had her father told her about that again? She picked up her newly green chalk and began to write with a small smile.
[textcut] One way to become invisible would be to use an invisibility potion. It is probably less versatile than a cloak or charm, but it is also something that will not falter under lack of concentration and you would not need to worry about keeping it on you whilst running.
One way to detect invisibility that might be more broadly useful, would be the use of a Probity Probe. They detect concealment spells or hidden magical objects when waved about, so perhaps it would be more enlightening than a charm such as Homenum Revelio.[/textcut]
[/COLOR] Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara Deuling club. WICKED. She'd be picking up one of those permission forms, uh huh. The even more wicked thing was that they were talking about INVISIBILITY though, 'cause there were even more cool things she could do with that. So many jokes and surprises and extra desserts! This was going to be her kind of spell, she could already tell.
[textcut] I'm not really sure what exact spell is used for this, but I don't think it's a vanishing spell because those are really hard. Plus if his legs had been vanished he wouldn't be able to stand. So I'm not really sure what the invisibility one is. Maybe it's the disollusionmentdisallusionment disillusionment kind of charm and we just can't tell because we haven't done an up-close inspection. Or maybe his pants turn his legs invisible because they're like invisibility cloak pants! That'd be super cool. And I bet we can tell if something invisible is there by poking all the empty spaces in the room. That'd take a long time, though, so maybe by listening really hard, or a spell but I don't know what spell.[/textcut]
Rolling the chalk over in her fingers, Norah bent over her board. BOOM. There was no telling if her answers were right at all, but at least she had something. But now there was nothing to do but sit. And stare. And try to avoid looking at Professor Dakest's face. Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy From her chosen spot sat on the floor Hady had to lift her head a bit to be able to see Professor Dakest when he began the days lesson. Not that she minded at all since sitting was better then standing around at the moment. Her fingers stopped drumming against her knee as she fell silent so she could focus on what was said.
As the lesson began and the first question was asked the fourth year found her mind wandering about a little as she thought of the answer and tried hard not to focus on the mentioned Dueling Club of which she'd be grabbing a permission slip for later! Mentally scolding herself to focus she picked up her chalk and jotted down her answer while ideally twirling a lock of hair around her finger.
[textcut]A well placed Disillusionment Charm on a person or item could come in hand when you don't want to be seen or to keep something hidden for a certain amount of time. Like if your playing a game with friends or something.
However if you pay close attention to any noise such as breathing or movement you could probably find the person easily enough. If that doesn't work though there's always the use of Homenum Revelio for finding humans.[/textcut]
There done. Getting to her feet she crossed the room and hung the chalkboard back up on it's peg on the wall and left the chalk behind with it before returning to her spot on the floor and sitting down once again. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Finally! The lesson started.
Dueling Club? That's sound fun. Maybe she should join that? He said its open for everyone right? Okay.
Ohh. Question already. That's easy peasy. She knew the answer to both question.
She picked up her chalk and started write down her answer on her chalkboard.
[textcut] Disillusionment Charm. The Charm makes us act like chameleon. Not like chameleon, chameleon. More like blending in with its surrounding. But its easier to use Invisibility Cloak but since its expensive and not everyone can buy it so Disillusionment Charm its the next best thing.
Just throw some flour. It might revealed the 'chameleon' If it doesn't work there's always this Human-presence-revealing Spell that I can't remember the incantation. Homesomething something I think. Not sure.[/textcut] There. All done. Now all she need to do was hanging it.
Well, she has a tall person sitting right next to her so why not use it as her advantage, yes? And less effort. "Kyroh, can you help me hanging this chalkboard. Please." There she also said the magic word. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie After his momentary freak out over the duelling club announcement aka lightheadedness, shortage of breath and might have bitten his tongue to keep from yelping, Benzi settled down to watch the class for a bit as he thought about his answer.
Snorting at the firsties and eyeing the countless disillusionment answers, Benzi took a couple minutes to think of his answer before quickly writing it down in somewhat readable handwriting. He quickly dismissed his original idea of setting the place on fire because, while effective, Dakest probably wouldn't like that answer.
[textcut] One could try and mimic the effects of the hats sold at WWW in Diagon Alley which make the wearer's head invisible onto a smaller, more portable object. . It'll useful in a pinch when you need immediate invisibility and don't have time to wrap an invisibility cloak around you or cast a disillusionment charm.
Homenum Revelio would be the most logical way if it's a person, but if it's an object a strong gust of wind could do the trick. It would knock other things down but at least the invisible things would become visible. You could always try summoning as well to eliminate the possibility of an object being used in favour of a disillusionment charm.[/textcut] Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel was lost, she was totally lost... Why couldn't this be anything to do with the Patronus charm, she had been study out of the book for ages. Which reminded her she had to go by his office. She thought she knew the best memory to get a Patronus out and she wanted to try it but she knew she'd have to ask the Professor if she could.
Angel was more bothered about that than answering the questions since she had no clue how to answer them, in the end she thought a guess would be as good as anything.
[textcut] You get really close to the sun like that woman did in that film Fantastic Four, she got too close and something happened and she became invisible, which was good for her.
You just use a nice hose and you squirt water all over the place because that would help you find out where someone invisible is.[/textcut]
Angel just scribbled those down on her board because seriously what else was she going to say, she had no idea but she thought it might be cool to be invisible for a while. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Look at the Professor with the Puns. This was very amusing to Dante. But what grabbed his attention more was about this Dueling Club. He had heard the Headmaster mention it at the Feast but was preoccupied with other people at that time. So this was very enlightening.
He was definitely signing up for this.
Oh right on to questions time. Though a little different since he guesses he had to write it down. Well, forgive him Dakest for his handing is terrible chicken scratch. It was true.
[textcut] You could be wearing invisible trousers.
And probably what everyone else is say but maybe the human presence revealing spell. Though it would not work if the trousers were invisible since it is only for humans. But it would tell me a human was there.[/textcut] Still he had no idea Dakest had the puns in him. Maybe because he never talks to him outside class....yeah. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Oh good...Benny had gotten a polite greeting and a smile in return to his own and his presence. That was a good sign, especially on that confirmed he hadn't taken the wrong choice by opting to sit by her rather than next to Adi and AJ. The latter having their own group together. WIth that, Professor Dakest was about to begin, grabbing their attention for the start of the lesson. The seventh year made a mental note at the mention of the dueling club that had been previously brought up at the feast. Or so he had thought.
Maybe it would help him study. Plus...he kinda missed dueling with Adi and co.
Alright, so there was something in particular that the professor wanted on the chalkboard. Benny could manage that. He numbered two spots, one and two, before thinking on the answers that he could think of for each question. The Gryffindor didn't want to do too simple or like anyone else, but that was all that was coming to mind at the moment.
[textcut] 1. A partial disillusionment charm seems like the first choice to disguise one's lower half.
2. Revelio is a spell to reveal hidden objects. There are modifiers such as hominus and spethat are specific to what is possibly concealed and needs to be revealed.[/textcut]
Semi-satisfied with his answers, he got up from his seat on the floor and headed back to the hooks. Chalkboard back on the wall, he was done with this part of what was expected of him, Benny wondering just what they would be doing in the class. Surely they would soon find out, the seventh year retaking his previous seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry Really, nothing at Hogwarts seem to surprise her anymore. Professor with no bottom half. Pshhhh that was no big deal. At least she could take a jib at what they would be learning about today.
Disillusionment apparently.
Right the chalk boards, she figured that they would be writing on them at some point in the lesson. She didn't expect it too be the very first thing okay. She listened to professor Dakest. Two questions, two answers. Okay brain think.
[textcut] camouflage, doesn't necessary mean you actually wear camo more as in you blend in with your environment and surrounds.
Look for movement sometimes when a disillusionment charm wears off there are flickers or gleams of things[/textcut]
Ugh was that they way she wanted to word that? Oh well, that made since right? The seventh year got up and hung up her chalkboard and when back to her spot in the floor. Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora Henric chuckled a little.Yeah, he couldn't agree more on llia's greeting back at him.Sleepyhead he was indeed.He grinned sheepishly as she ruffled his hair."Yeah...I thought I was going to be late today,llia." Thank merlin he wasn't. Even Adi cast a concerned look towards him too but class was starting now.Henric returned his attention back to the front of the class again.
Henric had the answer for the first one...a disillusionment charm had been cast upon the lower-half of his professor's body. He also had read about the human revealing spell before.
[textcut] Disillusionment spell is being used to conceal one's body or make an object invisible. Unless the person is wearing an incredibly rare invisibility cloak around him, he don't have to cast the spell upon himself.
Homenum Revelio can be used to reveal human presence among the area.Its useful to know that another body is present in the room, but they can't see them still. You still need to search for them in order to be sure.[/textcut] Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin When class was beginning he heard the Professor's comment about what's amiss? I mean he just stood there perplexed. Did he not know his bottom half was missing!? He just shook his head and went back to his seat. Unlessss he had some form of disillusionment charm on him. Yeah we will go with that. He heard there was going to be a dueling club. Man that sounded cool! Sign him up! He was totally gonna mail this to his mother. Hopefully she will let him do it. She knew he loved to do combat training like his father. He needed it before November 13th? That sounded reasonable. He made a mental note. Now onto the main focus of the lesson.
He had his chalkboard ready and was prepared for the questions. He heard the first one, what spell or means might be used to create this state of invisibility. Colt thought about it before putting it on his chalkboard because knowing him he would mess up and it would look horrible. Wait a minute he thought about it a second ago. He snapped his fingers and wrote it down oh his parchment. Now onto the second question. He reread his first answer and thought it looked good to him. The second one got him to think a bit. He reread it a couple of times, what means might be used to detect a state of invisibility? He began to think of ways to detect your invisibility. He thought of a logical way and began to write it down...
[textcut] The spell that is used to create a state of invisibility is the Delusionment charm. I also heard of such things as an invisibility cloak that could make you invisible. Maybe that could be used too?
To detect your invisibility, you can use a charm called Homenum Revelio. It can detect human presence in your vicinity. You can also use smoke in the place and you can see if someone is walking through it. Also you can see the footprints too.[/textcut]
There that seemed legit. He hung up his chalkboard and wondered if the teacher was gonna use his. He sure hope not. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Kate raised her eyebrows at mention of the dueling club. It was something she would consider, but she wasn't sure if she would go through with it just yet. She would take a form, but she would talk to a few others about it later. Maybe Colt, Janelle, Caleb, or...somebody like Kittridge or Tanner. It sounded kind of fun, although, she was second-guessing herself about her skills.
Kate listened to the questions then began to write. She supposed writing 'I have no idea' was out of the question... I think you have some kind of invisibility cloak draped around you. I know there's really only ONE of those out there, and I don't think it's here at Hogwarts, but I'm thinking you know a way around that.
I think cloaks are resistant to spells, so I would think you would have to cast on where you believe the actual person to be at and not at the cloak itself. You could cast spells to amplify the sound of their breathing or the sound of their footsteps.
Kate re-read her work, nodding along as she agreed with what she'd written before. Sounded good to her! Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni In Reagan's opinion, had anything been too amiss with their Professor, he wouldn't have been there; prepared to teach a class. He'd have been in the infirmary...So, she hadn't started too much at the odd sight. Besides, magic was fun...and that just so happened to be one of the fun qualities of it. Unpredictability. It was best to just roooooooll with the punches...without there actually being punches. Rea didn't approve of violence.
With her own chalkboard in hand, the Ravenclaw bounced in her seat; chalk dust flying as she tried not to make that cringing-worthy sound...You know the one...Kinda like nails on a chalkboard but without the nails.
[textcut]The Disillusionment Charm is one way to achieve invisibility, which is performed with the incantation "Disillusio". I haven't heard of it being used on specific areas of the body...So, it must be a variation of this. OH, how about a Camouflaging Charm? Maybe it could make parts of you onlyseem invisible.
As for ways to detect invisibility, "Homenum Revelio" comes to mind. It searches rooms for human presences. I suppose that's the standard answer, though, isn't it? Maybe you could just use a cane or walking stick to feel out the room if you wanted check without magical means. Though, you could accidently hurt someone with this way.[/textcut]
Rea bounced excitedly in her seat.
This was going to be fun. She could feel it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 When class began and the professor made his big announcement, Janelle was excited. A dueling club sounded very cool and she couldn't wait for the first meeting. While she was busy daydreaming about all that would entail, they were given an assignment. Two questions to answer. Janelle really had to give them some thought.
After a moment, Janelle picked up her chalk and begain to write on her chalkboard. As she thought about the first question, she decided to go with her first guess.
[textcut] My first thought was that you might have an invisibility cloak wrapped around you waist. That would make the lower half of you body disappear. Of course the obvious answer would be to use a Disillusionment Charm. However, I have a feeling that neither of my answers apply in this case. Another possibility would be to use a Daydream Charm. Just like when we used it on the acromantulas, you could make a person think they're seeing (or not seeing) what you want them to see.
Could you use Finite or Finite Incantatem to end a spell that a person may have used to make themselves or an object invisible? That almost seems too easy, but it would be great if it worked. [/textcut]
Once Janelle was finished writing her answers, she got up and went to hang her chalkboard back on one of the pegs. Then she went back to her spot and sat down, waiting to hear what would come next. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny Sophie squinted sideways at Evie, very visibly confused by her dormmate's words. She didn't hate her? "Actions speak louder than words," she murmured, just as Dakest begun class, and Sophie straightened her spine slightly, trying to look attentive to the man who was being very, very cool and nerdy at the same time.
A dueling club, though? That was actually kind of wicked. The interest sparkled in Sophie Brown's deep chestnut eyes, and she gave a nod of understanding and approval to him. You could BET she was going after one of those forms after class, absolutely. No doubt about it.
He wanted them to write things, though, then place them back on a peg? That meant he wouldn't know what she wrote, so... heh. That left some room to push the envelope a bit and take some creative liberties. There were a couple really obvious things that came to mind regarding what he could've used to create his half state of invisibility, and the same for what could be used to detect it.
[textcut]Just like there are Headless Hats that make the wearer's head disappear, I bet you're wearing trousers that make you INVISIBLE.
Bet if you suspected someone invisible was around you could throw something in that general direction and you'd know. But use Homenum Revelio if we want to be boring, that's what Truebridge taught us.[/textcut]
With a disinterested shrug, Soph hung up her chalkboard on the wall with the rest then returned to sit back down, hoping that Evie would RETURN to sit there with her and not decide to sit somewhere else. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 The Dueling Club sounded really cool but there was no way Milo was ready for that. He didn't do well talking to new people let alone trying to hex and jinx them (with spells he didn't even know yet). He looked around the room though as the other students, particularly the older ones, fidgeted excitedly. He'd not be dueling but he'd certainly watch.
The chalkboards were being put to work now. They were to think about how one would make themselves invisible like the Professor had and how to detect someone who is invisible. Hmmmm.
[textcut] Becoming Invisible: A person could be carrying a charmed or cursed object that could cause the person to be carrying it to become invisible or appear to be so.
Detecting Invisible people: Anti-concealment spells can be placed on areas where the owners want to keep out people who are trying to sneak in? Gringott's is supposed to have something that would keep thieves from sneaking into the vaults who are invisible.[/textcut]
When he was finished scratching away with his chalk, the Claw stood and hung his board on the wall with those others who had finished. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles;11797598[color=#1975FF "Yeah!" SHE REMEMBERED HIM! Kyroh beamed, and reached out and gave her a quick hug. He would have said more but this was class time. Therefore time to focus.
He wasn't shocked at all by the Professor's lack of a second half. Last year GIANT spiders had attacked the school.
So...... why would he be startled by no feet?
His ears did perk up though as Professor Dakest mentioned a duelling club. A duelling club that had it's first meeting the ay before his birthday! That was a sign right? Maddie and Dima would sign up for sure! So of course he had to! Plus his mum would probably be so excited about it.
Anwyays, onto the lesson. State of invisibility. What spell? He didn't know of any potions. But there were invisibility cloaks obviously, and there was the Disillusionment Charm, but that wasn't really being invisible. Just blending in super well with your environment.Hm.... when HE thought of instability one thing came to mind form his mum.
Quickly Kyroh wrote the answer down.
[textcut] 1. Stepping inside an extended Headless Hat from the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It's suppose to go on your head to make your head disappear, but no one would expect you to step inside to make your legs disappear.
2. A Knockback Jinx or a Stunning Spell. That way you fall over and out of the hat and bam, we see your feet.[/textcut]
Taking Candice's chalkboard Kyroh quickly hung them up, right beside Dot's, before sitting back down.
[/color] Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Okay. Zander was definitely seeing things. WHERE DID PROFESSOR DAKEST’S HANDS GO??? He could’ve sworn they were just there a second ago and MAN. Zander was mega confused. Though one look at his Professor’s natural smile was enough to send him in a spiral of doubt. Uh. Blink. Blink. Blink. Merlin. He really was sleep deprived. ”Yeah, uh maybe…” He rubbed his eyes again, blinking all the way to where he decided to take a seat .
As he sat he watched the door, waiting for Sophie Brown to come in and oh…? Wait a minute. She was going to sit by EVIE? The SAME Evie that was being horrible to her since the very start of the term? Zander didn’t like where this was going. In fact, he hadn’t taken his eyes off the pair since Sophie decided to sit down there. But he was… Trying to be casual about it. Ahem. But literally if Evie said one more horrible thing. It was all over and he’d probably lose his cool. Zander needed someone to take things out on anyways…
But soon enough the lesson started and Dakest STILL didn’t have legs. Interesting.
Dueling club though? Zander made a mental note to go pick up one of those permission slips after class. But first he’d want to see if anyone else was doing it. Didn’t want to end up dueling firsties the whole time, y’know? Anyways, now there were actual questions and it was time to get settled for class mode and so bring it on, Professor.
[textcut]Invisible pants. Definitely. Because your hands disappeared when you put them in your pockets. Or maybe I was just seeing things…
Headmistress Truebridge told us to use the Homenum Revlio thing to see if anyone was hiding out invisible in a room. Maybe that.[/textcut]
And he walked that up. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahlooo Actions speak louder than words. Yes, they did. Evie couldn't disagree with that and, luckily, didn't have to, because class was starting. Saved by the Dakest.
Evie was clearing her chalkboard with her wand when he started class. She immediately perked up when he mentioned the dueling club and mentally took notes on everything he said. A grand reward... First meeting November 13th... Permission slip. Got it. Her father supported her desire to be an auror, so the permission slip would be an easy thing to acquire and get back to Dakest. And if she did well (which she KNEW she would), it would help her get into the YATI program next year...
It took a lot of focus to steer her excited brain away from the dueling club information. Evie's eyes focused back on Dakest, whose torso was now floating just a few inches above the ground. An interesting sight to behold. Evie took a moment to wonder what sort of charm or enchantment he had used to conceal his lower half and then wrote her best guess on her chalkboard.
[textcut]1. You could have charmed your trousers into something like the Headless Hats sold at WWW, but then you would have had to charm your socks and your shoes, as well. OR you could have just gone the extra mile and used a disillusionment charm on your whole lower half, which I think would work the best.
2. The Human-Presence-Revealing charm would work well to detect any persons under an invisibility cloak or any alike charms.[/textcut]
Once she was finished, Evie brought her board over and hung it on one of the pegs. On her way back to her seat, she hesitated briefly, considering sitting somewhere else so as not to get distracted by Sophie and their current... row. But instead, Evie returned to her seat beside the Head Girl. She wasn't one to avoid confrontation.
Once the last chalkboard was merged with the now big one, Sabel considered it for a long moment. A few flicks of his wand, and a piece of chalk was scribbling a concise list down below the grouping of answers. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chalkboard - Ways to Become Invisible:
- Invisibility spell such as the Disillusionment charm / chameleon charm
- Wand Movement: like coiling of rope over yourself, or tap the desired object
- Incantation: Disillusio
- Invisibility cloak/clothes
- more difficult, may need to combine the chameleon charm and the bedazzling hex
- Can create clothes of demiguise hair (rare though)
- Could try wearing muggle camoflauge clothing
- Extendable sacs/hats
- Charmed/cursed item (such as hats or pendants)
- Potion
- Mirror illusion or reflective muggle technology
Jedi Mind tricks (glamour spell, hypnotizing, daydream charm) - Unfortunate encounter with dangerous science
Physical removal
"All in all, you've come up with quite a comprehensive list. Indeed the most common would be the disillusionment charm, otherwise known as the chameleon charm, concealing an object with an invisibility charm or using a spell to alter the perception of those around you." Stretching out his legs, Sabel pulled up one pant leg, which revealed skin beneath. "While you are right, an invisibility cloaks are hard to come by, it is not impossible to charm one's own clothing to get a similar effect. You may have to use the bedazzling hex, which helps strengthen a chameleon charm, to get the desired effect but it certainly is easier on the coin purse."
Because really, who had money to afford an invisibility cloak, let alone find one? Making use of what you had in a pinch was a skill, but a very useful one to have. "Depending on how you want to hide yourself, someone else, or an object, you may use one or a combination of the methods that you have suggested. Keep in mind, that the method you use will depend on the situation and the mobility which you need. If, for instance, you were trying to run and hide, sticking an extended sac over your legs may not be the best option. Unless you are good at sac races."
With a grin, Sabel let the pant-leg drop and abruptly got to his feet. He didn't bother cancelling out the effect of the charm just yet. His wand flicked at the board, and another list popped up. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chalkboard - Ways to Detect Invisibility:
- Projectiles (paint, flour, magic spray, fire extinguisher, paper, potions/water)
- Smoke screen (fumos)/ adhesive substances
- Physical contact (poke, prod, reach, wave arms, knock over)
- Stunning/knockback jinx
- The Senses (noise, heat, smell )
- Amplify sounds/ senses
- Can be done with the supersensory charm
- Booby traps (i.e. nets)
- Could also implement intruder charms/alarms
- General Counter Spells /Termination Spells
- Wand Movement: shield
- Incantation: Finite or Finite Incantatum
- Anti-concealment spells
- Could utilize stealth sensoring spell, which detects anyone under magical disguise
- Revealing Charm (Revelio)
- Momenum Revelio (reveals humans in the area)
- SpeRevelio (causes an object to show it's hidden secrets/properties)
- Magical artifacts (i.e. magical eye, Maurder's map)
- Probity Probe (detect concealment spells/hidden objects)
- Potion
- Failing/fault of the spell (flickers/gleams/air shimmering)
- Clumsiness of the invisible subject
- Summoning
Sabel considered it for a moment before turning to the class. "Your list of detection methods is equally impressive. Again, the most common means may be humonos revelio, though the good point was brought up that it may not work for other creatures or beings. In that case, a termination spell such as finite or a physical method or sensory enhancement may prove to be your best option."
With that, Sabel pointed his wand at himself and drew the shield form of the termination spell. "Finite." And there it was, his lower half was back. Good as new. Maybe even better. It looked a bit strange though, for some reason. Perhaps too long without it, and his eyes had adjusted already. "Keep in mind that when you are looking to detect something, or someone, you have to decide if you want them to notice you detecting them. For instance, while humonos revelio is perhaps the most reliable spell to use, subjects of its casting have described being able to feel the spell, like a presence moving over them in a wave."
Shaking himself, Sabel glanced between the board and the class. "Now, as you may have noticed, most of these spells are charms, and this is in fact, a Defense class. So, tell me how exactly these two concepts, both concealing and revealing, could be of use in the Defense Against the Dark Arts." -------------- OOC: Howdy all again! Thanks for a great lesson thus far!
We are moving onto the next question, so again if you haven't had a chance to post yet, please just feel free to jump right into the thick of things.
Pretty simple here. Provide an illustration/example of where the spells/methods discussed could be applied to DADA scenarios.
Please limit your answer to one (max 2 examples).
As always, feel free to be creative 
Class will move along in 20-24 hours. 
Thanks for being awesome!
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |