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Old 09-17-2015, 04:46 AM   #29 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Olly may or may not have been a tiny bit nervous walking into professor Culloden's office. It was mostly for Ellery though. He didn't like seeing anything bad happening to his siblings, like them getting in trouble, even if it was her fault and she totally deserved it. He'd heard her and just nodded in response. Fine, she could do what she wanted. He was going to sit back and let her do the talking.

He made his way into the office and sat. He didn't want to be there. Olly was withdrawing his statement about being the one to do it because everyone knew it had been a blatant lie. Could he just get out of there? He didn't want them both to get in trouble. He certainly didn't want to lose points for something he didn't do. Something he didn't even condone Ellery doing, even though he hadn't really made any move to stop her.

They all agreed that it was Ellery's fault, so could he just leave? Please?

Ellery was taking deep breaths, then swallowed multiple times because her mouth was dry. And she was a little bored, and a little hyperactive, and a little distracted. And she didn't know why she was here. A prank? When the Head Girl made him STEAK and then mouthed off TO HIS FACE?! IT SCREAMED INJUSTICE.

Well. While she was here, maybe she'd get to that point. Though she figured criticizing the Head Girl would NOT go over well.

"What did you want to talk to Olly about, sir? Because I know for a fact he's innocent of any crime. Literally anything. He's the innocentest person I know."
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