Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Under Blueprints
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Yoji Christopher Reed Ravenclaw First Year x12 x12
| Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy SPOILER!!: Forgetful Sophs Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju Sophie made a face at her husband's response about dragon's manure. She was half amused, though, because what kind of conversation were they having just now?? Eek! She nodded when he said it tasted bad because it was cheap, but his next sentence made her cover her face with her hands for a brief moment. She quickly brought her hands down again and gave him a half disgusted, half amused look. "Really??? As in... if it has any magical properties that would benefit us?" Still, that sounded... gross. Well, they did use dragon dung in Potions sometimes, did they not? ....................She couldn't remember. "I'm great!" The brunette beamed and finally gave him the tight hug. They were already conversing and sitting down together so it was normal to do so now. Of course it was. And awwww, look at him being cute! Did anyone else see that? ...Oh, there wasn't anyone else there with them. Oh well, SHE had seen how cute he was. "Will you? Aw, thanks! ...But... why's that?" Why did she need to sleep? She didn't feel like she needed to sleep? Whaa? "Okay..?" ...Okay? She supposed? She trusted Mordred so he was probably right. No, actually, he WAS right. As always. He was always right, yes. "Okay!" She said more firmly and smiled.
Oh, there was no special occasion then. Sophie blinked and calmed down a little; she hadn't forgotten any of her new relatives birthdays, then. She sighed in relief and listened curiously as he explained why he had asked her that. Ohhh, that! "Hogwarts! I miss that place." She smiled and also looked at the pond to imagine it as the Black Lake. "Yeah, I remember that day." Sophie added before chuckling. "You taught me the Engorgement Charm!" How could she forget that?? It seemed like it hadn't been her long term memory that had been affected.
.... Blink.
Blink blink blink blink blink. "Sorry, you what?" Sophie asked, shaking her head slightly. Had she heard right? Mordred had visited the... Ministry's daycare? As in, the place where all the tiny kids stayed? What? What what what what. "You- Wha-- Why?" Huuuuuuh??? Mordred watched his wife’s reaction, and threw his head back, letting out a silent laugh as she covered her face in disgust. Not everyone totally understands the properties of Dragon dung, but yes, it might have properties that can benefit them. Plants do get healing benefits from it, so why not humans too, yes? It was totally possible. Or maybe not, entirely. Mordred simply nodded, chuckling as he did so. His wife’s being extra cute that day, and he just wants to snog her right then and there. Ahem. “That’s…good to know.” But he was still worried over Sophie’s mental state right now. She’s got a sharp memory, so how come she was being slightly forgetful now? Mordred, who now knew what Sophie’s been up to, could already pinpoint the culprit of her being forgetful. She was working on a Memory Charm, and the charm might’ve backfired at her somehow. He knew those charms to be powerful, so a tiny amount of error could be disastrous to the caster. “You’ve been doing all the cleaning lately. I ought to help out with the dirty clothes and dishes.” Though, yes, he’ll be asking Calen to cook for them.
Mordred collected her wife into a warm hug, and placed a kiss on top of her head. “Thank Merlin, she hasn’t forgotten that one.” He said to himself, calming his thoughts at the same time. “Charms Queen.” He mumbled, grinning at the memory.
And onto a more serious conversation.
Mordred felt his wife release him from her hug, and he did the same, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment. He ought to be honest with her, and he knew that telling Sophie early on was the best route. “Yes. The Ministry’s Daycare. Where children and babies stayed while their parents worked?” Mordred started, keeping his eyes on the pond. Wait, Sophie knows where it is, right? Or did she forgot that one as well? “I…” he continued, but paused to composed his next words. “You know how much I’m scared of having children, right?” he asked, glancing at her wife, then back to the pond. Mordred laced his fingers with Sophie’s and sought strength from her touch. “I wanted to change that…so…I went there earlier to ask…things…about…” a pause, “Children, infants…and pregnant women.” Okay, this was embarrassing, but acknowledging his fear was the first step, yes?
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |