not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Mornings didn't bother Olly. He generally tended to wake up early, and so he had plenty of time to eat and prepare himself for the first lesson of the day. It also meant that he was not all groggy or half asleep from just waking up.
Defense Against the Dark Arts was a pretty cool class, and one of the few he actually looked forward to. Also, it was nice that it was not too many staircases away from his dorm. Having to walk up all of the stairs in Hogwarts was not his idea of a good time, and it would make this class not as fun if it was too far away.
Blink. Blink. "Er, missing something, professor?" How could a fully grown man lose his legs though? It seemed like something that would be hard to misplace. Oliver stood in the doorway for a moment, staring at the professor with a look of clear confusion on his face. After a moment he kept walking, grabbing a chalkboard and some chalk, and stood leaning against a wall.