Stomp. Scream. Stomp. Scream.
Only nothing was working. Of course it never occurred to the girl to ask nicely... it never seemed to cross her mind, really. AJ was getting bored fast, but she was oh so restless. What was a girl to do? Just as she was contemplating kicking the side of the stairwell, she heard a voice.
Turning her head in the direction of said voice brought a smile to her face.
"Sup, Candice." What an opportune moment to happen across the fifth year.
"I wanted to go for a staircase ride, but I can't get it to do anything." Story of her life.
"I wouldn't have to harass the staircase if it would cooperate." Just saying.
"Know a secret? I was just about to kick it." A beam was on her face as if she had just come up with the perfect solution.