Post 3 <--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
It was such a close race, or it was as far as she could really tell. It was hard trying to keep up with other people and keep your head in the game. For all she knew there was some poor firstie laid out, and AJ was still just dropping balls left and right. She meant well, people. "Depulso," she said while moving her wand just so. Hmm... nothing was happening. No new ball went into the lion bin. WHY? She had said the incantation just right and moved her wand how the professor said to do it, and yet, nothing. This was not okay. There was a game to win. Didn't her wand know?
It hit her.
She didn't have intent. The most important part of the whole freaking game. Well, then. Lesson learned. This time she was all about the ball. All about the ball going into the bin. "Depulso!" This time it worked. The ball was properly banished into her houses' bin. Take THAT, intent.