Post 2: PLANET 3 ❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya! This was so cool! All so cool, Owen was beside himself with all that happening around. The sound that the marbles made upon shattering and hitting the sand was simply magical. This was the very first magical activity that Owen got to participate in and saying that he was enjoying it very much was an understatement.
Oh, look! There went Adi! Owen beamed at his Prefect and decided to aim at the same planet he was firing at. Because teamwork.
Taking out another marble, the young badger readied his wand, "Tika... Incoming person someone!!! Eeek! Owen had to float out of the way, in result lost his momentum...but it was easily recovered as he paddled to another position wherein he could shoot the marble easily. And then, "Tikalas!"
The marble was off...speeding towards the planet...and another hit! Yo, crater!
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