SPOILER!!: Noel <3
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Noel had spent so much time in the library last term that he had vowed to not do so for a while the time. However, Maddie was studying for OWLs and now she was at the library most of the time. And since she was now his girlfriend ... so yeah.
However seeing her deep in study mode, Noel turned away - not planning to be a distraction as he had promised. He'd wait for her to get done and so he decided to do some homework of his own. Pulling out his Charms book, the sixth year found himself a seat - only to recognize the person he was sitting next to.
She was one of the new members of Quill, like himself.
Noticing the book she was reading, Noel smiled. He had read the article she had written for the Quill. And it had been fantastic. "You know you have some really awesome writing skills," he casually commented as he opened his own book.
Looking up as she heard someone talking to her, Marsha smiled wide at Noel who she found sitting next to her. Wide smiles for you, Mr Wallace! Though, when she realised what he had
actually said, she blushed deeply.
She had been so nervous about her first piece that she hadn’t gotten used to receiving good feedback for it, from Sophie or any of the other Quill writers… Though it really was nice to hear that she had done well as it was listed as the first article of the year. HOW COOL WAS THAT THOUGH? First piece ever, and got the first article of the year… though, she guessed with her Phoenix theme and the rejuvenation of the school that it did WORK as the first piece of the year. Regardless, she found it a great honour and she was going to work hard for the rest of the year to make her other articles as amazing.
”Thank you so much! I think it’s more that I love Phoenixes and animals than my writing specifically? She was grinning at him though. She couldn’t believe that the older students were giving HER compliments. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.
”Though, your article was amazing. I’ll need to remember your pointers when I get to my OWLs and NEWTs… ‘cause I think I’ll end up freaking out over them… they seem scary.” Were they? She assumed they were, even if she didn’t want them to be - ‘cause they were sooo far away. She couldn’t panic for that long.