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Tazzie She beat him, all right. But she didn't have to. Owen scratched his head. "You're silly, you know? You didn't have to hurry back. I still would have waited. Besides, I hang out a lot around here." The young badger shook his head and just grinned.
She needed a drink. Okay, he can get that for her. And a piggy back ride? Why would she need a piggy back ride? "I think...you should sit down and catch your breath. I'll just get a drink for you. Water? Or something else?" Because if he gave her a piggyback ride and she was all sweaty, then his back would get wet too. Kind of defeats the purpose of him changing shirts. He also wanted to get snacks for himself so he needed both his hands.
Well Owen just sucked the fun out of that. Noelle shrugged, her breathing going back to normal. "[b]Water is fine. Thank you.[b]" She gave him a smile because, really that was nice of him.
Staying where she was, Noelle turned herself towards the table. Drumming her fingers on the table, she waited for him to get back. She had already started cooling off. She looked down at her clothes and smoothed them out the best she could. She could t wait till she learned more spells. Then she could easily take the sweat stains out.
Grabbing the wrist of her jacket? She wiped her face. Papa always told her, she would never have all her hairs in one spot. Due to her, running, jumping, and falling. Her hair was constantly a mess. She reached up to access the damage. It didn't feel too bad. She could live with it.