Text Cut: Sophie, just before class.
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Oh. Oh. Evie's friend. Was he coming over to--? Oh. He... wanted to trade with her? AND he was SMILING at her. Was this a trick? Did Evie send him to make her feel worse about her Head Girl status? Was that what this was? Was he going to be nice, then CRUSH HER LIKE A BUG and THROW SHADE?
She wasn't really sure, but she tried to just think that Damien was just a PERSON and not a good friend of Evie's with the potential to belittle her, and thus put on a smile in return. "Sure thing. Thanks, Damien." Trading out her own Ravenclaw tie for his Gryffindor one, Soph was happy to put it on. She'd wanted to wear a Gryffindor tie today ANYWAY.
...But really, was Eves setting her up?
No shade was to be thrown, no crushing of bugs, he was just a dude looking to exchange a tie and get past this rule. Of course, not knowing any of the young women's thoughts or paranoia, Damien could do nothing to shake them off or explain otherwise, no the boy wasn't even remotely working for Evangeline Shacklebolt or any other female currently at Hogwarts.
"Hey, no probs, Sophie." He sighed as he retied his tie, annoyed that he'd have to re-do the perfect windsor knot on his own after class, damn damn shame. "I'll be back for that later." He good-naturedly joked before taking his seat.
Text Cut: Prof
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Glancing up at the clock above the entryway, Astrid clapped her hands twice to get the attention of the class. The door closed, hushing the sound from students out in the corridor. "Let's settle down, please." Her voice was clear and loud enough for the students to hear. It made her heart all warm seeing them interact (most of them), but it was time to go to business.
Walking back to the front of the classroom and leaning against her desk, she tugged at the tip of blue and bronze tie that was around her neck. As a former Gryffindor she had clearly switched ties with someone. The students wouldn't know that. "First, I want to welcome new and returning students to Charms Class. I, myself, am new to teaching at Hogwarts, but not the castle itself." Flicking her wand at the blackboard her name was written in neat writing. "I am Professor Baxter and as you may have all guessed, I will be teaching you Charms." How exciting was that! "I would like to thank all of the students who followed directions and participated in the activity. It was nothing to be alarmed about." She smiled reassuringly and kindly at those she noticed flip about the rules and at those who did great and followed through. "A brief advice, if you'd like to earn full credit in my class read the rules and follow them appropriately." They were simple enough, yeah? They were early childhood level. She thought so, and she wanted them to all earn full credit. And now they couldn't say, 'but you didn't tell us thaaat!' because she just did.
With another smile, Astrid pushed off her desk and wandered toward the front desks, pausing. "To get this lesson started, I would like you to pull out a piece of parchment and write a paragraph on what you know about charms and what charms you would like to learn about. It's a way for me to get to know you." Because Merlin knew just how much office time she had (she would make as time as she could) but she was sure they had other lesson things that needed their attention as well. This was the best way to get to know them and to warm up their brains and get working. "You have ten minutes." And go!
Professor Baxter was pretty and that was kind of really distracting to the seventh year as he tried his best to focus on what she was saying and not the way she was playing with her tie or the way her dark hair was so smooth and how it shone as it caught the light, it was not productive, nope, not a bit and Damien shook his head to focus on, you know,
Activities, she was talking about the rules and the stickers and the tie thing, yeah? What was the tie thing all about? Did it have something to do with the class? With House prejudice and expectations, maybe? He didn't really understand the positivity wall except that it had to do with energies, but that didn't pique his interest as much.
Text Cut: Paragraph
Charms are one of the most useful branches of magic to exist, they have the ability to do everything from healing and cushioning to cleaning, helping you breath underwater and even reducing pimples. What distinguishes Charms from Transfiguration is that Charms add to different properties and parts of the thing, while Trans changes the thing and it's properties completely. It is easily one of the most versatile and widely used branches of magic around.
With that written out and sorted, Damien raised his hand. "Professor, This isn't a hating question or anything, but I'm hella curious about why you've had us all switch ties." The Gryffindor said, resting his head in his other hand. "Is it about House Blindness? Prejudice? What's the deal?" Because he was all in if it was an experiment on inter-house relationships or how they saw each other, but if it was just for giggles? Well... That would be kind of lame.