~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. "He tries to be. But yes, VERY soon, Toddles, I'll see you there,'' Adi chirped cheerily. The Kitchen was one of his absolute favourite places at Hogwarts! Maybe he and AJ can hang out there for a bit. Yeaaah, a date in the Kitchen with the girlfriend sounded great!
The little Puffer was laughing! He was making her laugh! WOOT! Adi was pleased. Hopefully he was helping Olathe feel at home. He could remember the first time he had come to Hogwarts, he had been a little home sick for quite a few weeks. Awwh, underage magic, yes. That sucked. But no more for him! He could do magic out of School now. Wheeee. "You'll get right down to business tomorrow. When you get your time table, I can walk you to your first class if you like.'' Yes, he would do this! "You know, I reckon firsties should have maps.'' Hehe. Less lost ones then, yes?
Annnd there was another first year finally joining them. Adi smiled broadly at her. "HIHIHI, Gwen! Can I call you Gwen? Come on over, don't be shy.'' It was very obvious she was not from around her as she confirmed. "Pumpkin pasty? Cauldron cake?'' She must be tired and hungry.