Gaga Mafia Monster : MURPHY : Kelvin's SS!BFAM : Roro's Evil Twin : Ravlyndor : Gopher Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Oh he was following, was he? Davie had a smug expression as he settled into a study table, and piled up a bunch of books in front of him. The books were just a blocker so that the librarian, his HoH, couldn't see what he was up to with just a glance. These books Davie pushed to the very edge of the desk, so they weren't in fire-catching range. His book which had incendio and aguamenti in it, he propped up on the backside of the spare book pile so it was facing him.
Now, he settled in to his desk and shook his head at Milo's wink. "Okay, just... don't scream or anything. I know YOU already know these spells, because I saw you in Potions, but I need the practice." Okay, yes, Davie was admitting that he needed more practice with charms. BIG DEAL.
First was aguamenti, because duhhhhh you should never start a fire without knowing how to put it out first! Davie settled the small wastebin between his legs on the edge of the chair and quietly, subtly, moved his wand in a small sideways S. "Aguamenti."
Nothing. Nothing at all, yet. "I won't I promise." Milo whispered as he watched David set up a little wall of books to block whatever it was he was going to do at the table from others--oh, their Head of House Mr. Kitridge who wasn't too far away.
Wait, the other boy had noticed his spell work in Potions? That made Milo grin a tiny bit. He quickly stopped and watched David put up the last book. He didn't want him to think that he thought he was better than him or anything. "Oh, I can help you practice. My mom showed me a few things over the summer after I got my wand even though she wasn't really supposed to." So yeah, hopefully he wouldn't tell. Apparently the Ministry only worried mostly about the Muggleborn kids or if you used it in front of Muggles which wasn't what he had done.
The other Ravenclaw tried the water charm but nothing happened. "You have to do a movement like this..." he pulled out his wand and did an 'S' motion. "Like a wavy stream of water. Do it when you say the incantation." |