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"Ah. I see. Of course." Grinning, Sabel shook his head. Kids were just too fun to bug sometimes. Apparently, just like younger siblings were.
At Hyland's enthusiasm about the fire, Sabel couldn't help but to laugh. Merlin, he could only imagine what might have happened if he put firecrackers in the box. Actually, that didn't seem too bad of an idea....
As did providing a potentially misleading answer about the origins of magic fire. It was oh so tempting, but the humorous results would be short lived and it was likely the repercussions would find him rather quickly. So, instead he shook his head with a chuckle. "Not quite as exciting a tale as that, I'm afraid. It has to do with chemical ingredients. If you light certain chemicals on fire, they produce different colored flames. It's a muggle's form of magic."
Possibly boring for a wizard, but to a muggleborn it was fascinating and quite wonderous.
The good mood about the fire however, took a bit of a sideways turn when the topic turned to patronuses. Truth be told, for reasons of his own he was relieved the topic had been taught last year and didn't have to be rehashed this year. However, he knew better than to expect no interest in the matter what-so-ever. He had simply hoped, it might be delayed in reaching him for a while. Apparently not.
Thankfully, there was the child mentality of invisibility that kept his mood from sinking too far. And Merlin this kid was like a cat on catnip with his topics. All over the place, but the enthusiasm was not unwelcome.
Chuckling, Sabel shook his head, at the flapping arms and the conclusion to the mile a minute questions.. "First off, you and the others did very well last year, Hyland. You should be proud. Patronus or not. You did what you could do, and what you had to do. No one could ask for more than that. Myself included." Did that mean he owed the boy an apology? Perhaps. "What I said, was of the moment and an impulsive reaction, rather than a logical one."
Moving over to one of the seats, Sabel settled down and motioned the kid to join him at the fire. "I suppose that depends on what else you want to know about the patronus." He had covered everything he knew in class, but perhaps there was further clarification needed?
"Secondly, as for that course, you can do both." Cryptic enough to be helpful? He hoped so. "And it will take a good deal longer than a week to build up that muscle. A few hours a day, every day, every week, every month, for a few months. And protein. Good protein is essential."
As a muggleborn himself, but adopted by purebloods at a very early age , It was quite interesting to hear how the muggles made fake magical fires using chemicals. He had no idea what chemicals were and it sounded a lot like potions but he kept his mouth shut and listened. It was simply, set chemicals on fire and you get colors.
“And these chemicals… can you buy them in stores or?” cause he’d love to make one himself , maybe over the summer and scare his sisters.
“And how do they know which chemical is which color? Do muggles have potion labs as well?”
Was It just him or was the Professor not really happy with the topic of the patronus? He had thought that out of all people, he would be the most excited about it and it did make him feel a bit uncomfortable. But before he opened his mouth to say anything he was getting complimented for his actions last year. The Gryffindor loved compliments. Basically lived for it. But he usually sought them out, not get them randomly and as he sat down on one of the seats near the fire as well he stared at it. Placing the packages on his lap. Then, a broad smile appeared on his face and he turned at the Professor.
“Thanks , Sir! You’re probably the only one who said that” apart from Adi and Marsha no one had even said anything close to a thanks or well done. It was frustrating, especially when he basically risked his own life for a bunch of strangers. Fellow students…but still strangers because he never hung out with them.
“At least someone appreciates my efforts. You know what the girl who I saved said to me?!” he changed his voice in to a slightly higher pitch.
“I’ve got it” Could he believe that?!
“I risked my life for her and I get a ‘I’ve got it’ and then she completely ignored me and went to her friend instead and thanked HIM!” But, he didn’t have any issues with that anymore. Nope. Not at all… maybe a little… but not as much. She had probably just been in shock.
Sighing loudly, Yoongi grabbed a package from his lap and threw it in to the fire. The purple fire now changed color at the bottom and turned blue. Nice. But patronuses. He knew there had been a class last term about it but he had been so out of it thanks to OWL studying that he only remembered bits of …basically all the classes he had had. Oh , he did remember almost fainting from mental exhaustion in Charms ~! But how to say that he hadn’t been paying attention without sounding like he hadn’t been paying attention in class? Yeah, there was no way. So, to have some more time to think , he threw another package in to the fire. Which was now purple, blue and bright pink.
“Well, I’ve been trying to make a patronus but I just can’t focus. I have a happy thought in my mind and then my mind wanders off and I think of everything else and then it fails and its really frustrating! How do I calm my mind without the boring meditation thing?” cause he had tried and it just made his mind sing songs…
“Both?” he repeated, raising an eyebrow because he had the feeling the Professor was joking.
“So I’ve been struggling to get on the bar for nothing and I can just go UNDER it?!” boooo. He was clearly frustrated by that because he still had bruises on his legs and arms from where he had fallen from the bars.
“But…but If I train longer than an hour I’ll sweat and ewwww! And my hair will be a disaster when it gets sweaty and flat and ewwww” It was a big decision enough to even train an hour but to train for this long?! The protein thing was handy though.
Staring at the fire, he suddenly had another question that he had tried to find answers for but couldn’t find it.
“Do you know what a Flower Boy means, Sir?” he asked, probably out of the blue.
“Cause this girl keeps calling me that but refuses to tell me what it means and there is NOTHING about it in the library books , even the herbology books!” It was really frustrating.