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Ah, so this was one of the students that avoided his seating area. Good to know. Begged the question though, what was he doing here? Another emergency? Unlikely. Hyland was far to reserved and collected for something to be going on.
One eyebrow went up at the description of the boy's summer. "Being forced up the eiffel tower is a usual summer occurrence for you?" He could understand the reluctance, and the sheer distaste of such an activity, but in such cases he made a point of avoiding said activity. Not making it a habit. Curious, very curious.
Was one of his goals then to avoid that activity next summer? Or perhaps to conquer said fears that had him jelly-legged up all the steps? Goals were good, whatever they were, and it seemed redundant to say so, so he simply nodded in acknowledgement. As for his own summer? Why was everyone asking that question? Including himself. A redundancy that needed quelling.
With a shrug, he brushed it off. "Didn't climb any towers, thankfully." How he wished winter would start so the question would stop.
The fire was a welcome topic saver, and Sabel shook his head with an honest laugh. "Not to my knowledge. Help yourself. I've stockpiled both last year and this year's supply, so there's more than enough to go around." Airey wouldn't mind a green fire in his common room, would he?
"I don't imagine you came just for the magic fire though." Pity how no one did. "So, what can I help you with?"[/COLOR]
What? Why did he think that it was a usual occurrence ? Yoongi blinked , then thought back at what he had said and he slapped his hand on his forehead. Literally. Forehead red now but ignoring it he laughed.
“No, sorry I should have phrased it better. I meant my sisters. My sisters teasing me is a usual occurrence..perks of being the youngest” he said, rolling his eyes. But that was not why he was here and it looked like the Professor was getting awkward as well since he shrugged his question off. What was with Professors anyways? It was normal to ask the same question back right? Oh well.
Dropping the subject because the topic of the fire was definitely more interesting. His eyes lit up and a broad smile appeared on his face and then without another word he twirled around on one foot and walked to the box with the magic fire. He HAD said , help yourself, right ? So the Gryffindor filled his pockets with a few packages and even held a couple in his arms. Then he walked back, trying not to let the magic fire fall.
“Thanks Sir!” He was going to be the coolest in the common room now!
“Well, no” he answered.
“But I can! How are these even made? I know they’re not really magical cause muggles can buy them as well. How can they have magic powder when muggles aren’t supposed to know about magic? Did something go wrong at the ministry and they went like “ he shrugged, nearly dropping the packages
“whatever, it happened?” important questions right there.
“Also, I’ve been thinking about what you said a few months ago” he probably did not remember…
“you said “why didn’t you send a patronus?” when I ran up here to get you and well, I want to learn how. What if something like that happens again and i COULDN'T get away? But i doubt it though, i'm to awesome and amazing to get caught but WHAT IF?!" his eyes widened at the thought.
"I know I can read about them in books but ..books…..boring , nod if you agree and I learn much better if I hear how to make a patronus from someone and I thought that since you’re the defence against the dark arts professor you could tell me something more about it other than ‘think happy thoughts’ “ He took a deep breath because he had been talking at top speed but it was only for a short while.
“And that obstacle course you set up. Are we supposed to go OVER the bars or under or does that not matter? Cause I couldn’t even climb on the bar” he flapped his elbows like a chicken cause of the magic fire packages in his arms.
“How do I get strength in these useless things?” he said, talking about his arms.
“I mean, I’ve tried to train for a week now. A WEEK! And I still don’t see any result. “
Breathe kid…breeeaathe.