SPOILER!!: This man! <3
Originally Posted by
StarShine [/COLOR]
Yeah yeah, he was talking to Adi yeah. Cosgrach fiiiiiinally looked at the boy's eyes and grinned. "That wouldn't be bad, y'know. A piece of cake walking to my room." NOT bad, at all! Man, how come HE hadn't thought about this BEFORE?
Ugh. He was getting old.
He sat down on his throne as Adi asked the questions, and his face almost literally lit up at the mention of his baby daughter. "She's wonderful," he said but didn't end the sentence. Instead, he pulled out a photo that was of the one year old. "Here," he said as he gave the photo to Adi. NOW he could examine the cakes more freely...
"How sweet of ya!" he said with a grin, "thank you for being such a great student." He meant it 100% too. Adi was one of the best.
He took one in his hand...
HAHA. Adi laughed.
"Sureee, Professor. Next time I'll charm some food to come walking through your door.'' Everyone and their love for food!
"Good thing the kitchen is not far from the Puffs. Whenever you come to check on us, you can stop by for a snack.''
Could Adi sit too? You know what? Naaaah, he didn't need to. He was too excited for RESULTS! Mwahahaha! Oh, he was being handed a photo... of one of the cutest kiddos he had ever seen! AWWWH! Could he adopt her?
"She's beautiful! Must have gotten her looks from her mother,'' he teased.
"I'm joking, Professor! You don't look too bad either.'' Just had to clear that up in case Culloden decided to bodily throw him out of the office.
Adi went back to looking at the photo, half concentrating on his Professor.
"You're welcome. When I'm famous, you can say proudly that you know me because you used to teach me.'' Heheee.
Adi's RPer rolls her eyes at him and mutters 'Show off'
Okaaaay, almost there. The Slytherin turned Hufflepuff now held one in his hands... come on. No more suspense.