Originally Posted by
ArianaBlack [
Zander grinned as Toddles handed him some snacks. Merlin, this was a step up from the Gryffindor Party two terms back. Ah how times change. "I'm sure studenties are happies to sees-- Uh, I mean, I'm sure everyone's really happy to see you too Toddles." Merlin. He was starting to talk like a House Elf. Weird. "Hope you had a good summer holiday though," Did House Elves get holidays? Hopefully. And he definitely let out an audible laugh at Toddles being all defensive. Hehe. "Well, I'm glad to hear you're beyond that now." Still not bitter or anything but that was like HIS ENTIRE CHOCOLATE COLLECTION LAST YEAR. Ahem. Friends. They were friends now.
Toddles beams at Master kinds words. Toddles happies to sees Master Zander. Toddles has surprise for Master.
"Toddles found somethings master." Toddles shows cards that Toddles stoles from Master. Toddles gives back. Toddles be kinds. Toddles will steals others things laters.
Originally Posted by
LilFox06 [color=teal]
Kaycee almost said she didn't want anything, but then she thought better of it. "Do you have to call me 'Mistress'?" she asked. "Because it would be way cooler if you called me something else. Anything else, really. Kaycee? K-Dawg? That one girl?"
She just didn't like it. She was fourteen. Mistress seemed so grown up and in charge.
Toddles tilts little head at mistress. Toddles confused. Toddle always calls masters and mistress. Toddles beings polites. Mistress seems upset. Toddles bes a bad elf? Toddle wibbles little lip and begins to cry. Toddles not means to upset mistress.
"Toddles bad elf. Toddles be bads." Toddles grabs book and begins to smack himself with it.