SPOILER!!: Oliver
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Oliver wrinkled his nose. He'd heard of NEWTS, and the OWLs, of course. They were tests. Oliver was not a fan of tests, and he was glad that he had a while before he had to worry about taking them himself. "How;d you do on your OWLs?" It was an innocent enough question on the surface. Hopefully Ethan hadn't done terribly, because then he would feel a little bit bad for asking.
"Yeah, it was lots of fun," he said in response to Ethan's question about sharing a room with his brother. If he had a nightmare, or if it was storming, he had someone right there he could crawl into bed with to cuddle. Most of the time it was Colin wanting to cuddle with him, but the point remained the same. "Did you have any siblings?" Just because he didn't share a room with them didn't mean he didn't have them. "Sharing a room with the other boys will be fun. They're great."
Now, this is one of the reasons why he slaved over his OWLs. When people ask you about your results, there is no room for embarrassment.
“I did well. Took and passed all 12.” Really, he isn’t bragging. He’s just proud that he was able to pull it off with sheer determination, thinking it wasn’t possible. Now though...after one year of rest, he’s back in the game preparing for his NEWTs.
“No I don’t. I’m a only child.” He said, tilting his head wondering whether or not he’ll be a different Ethan if he had a brother or sister.
“...er, do you guys fight though?” His cousins from Uncle Alden always fight each other. He never understood them, really.
The seventh year nodded in agreement, and grinned at Oliver.
“You will have fun. And I like your optimism.” He said, giving him thumbs up. From the get-go, he thought Lucas, Tom, and the other first years he hasn’t met were all fun. There will always be the brooding ones though. Eh. Such party poopers really.