for CASEY the LION(puff) Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Not only did Hogwarts have a playground, it apparently ALSO had a treehouse. AND WAS THIS TREEHOUSE GRAND OR WHAT? It totally put the house Genny Tate and her dad were making to shame, because Davie hadn't seen that one yet and ALSO because THIS TREEHOUSE was at HOGWARTS.
Totally amazed at the sight of the house sprawling through branches, Davie walked up to the trunk a little open-mouthed. He almost got hit in his gaping mouth by the rope ladder descending with a soft thunk! Shaking his head, Davie quickly stowed his newfound parchment, quill, map, and notebook away in his messenger bag and then slung the whole thing around his back so he could climb.
The rope ladder wasn't too difficult, but the firstie was still a tad winded when he reached the top. All he wanted to do was dramatically collapse on the floor like he had fainted a-la Charlotte Kettleburn, and so he did just that, complete with a high-pitched sigh and widespread arms and legs and everything.
Even the FLOOR was comfy-awesome!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |