I'm going to start with the getting off the Express after the term is over, if that's alright (we can do the other scene later
Day levitated her trunk and began to walk off the train. She was grateful the others had left her alone in her own compartment as she had enjoyed the peace of just staring out the window without worrying about when someoen was going to start asking her if she was okay or if she needed anything. She was so tired, both physically and mentally, after all that had happened on top of exams that she just needed this train ride to allow her thoughts a rest.
She stepped onto the platform and looked around. She wasn't even sure if her mother was going to bother coming for her. Somehow, Day figured her mother would be too disappointed to show up, just as she hadn't bothered to write in the past couple of months. Day supposed she could stay in the Leaky Cauldron for a while until she could find someplace more permanent to live, though she'd need to find a job and what with the child on the way... She shook her head, wishing she had spent less time daydreaming and more time thinking of practical things on the ride 'home'.