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ChapterEight "Thanks!" Tom wanted to beam his gratitude at Oliver, but then his head was filled with the voice of his father telling him how unseemly such displays of emotions were. Besides, Oliver's attention was caught by an older boy a few seats down (Colt); they seemed to know each other, but Tom wasn't really sure what to think about the older boy since he'd never had any friends who hit him before.
Oliver looked even more distressed for a few moments before Tom heard him whisper something about his sister. It sounded like he really missed her. Tom could relate!
"I have a brother," he informed the other boy, failing to pick up on Oliver's body language that probably meant he wanted to be left alone. "I miss him a lot, too. He's not at Hogwarts, and we've never been separated for more than a few weeks at a time before."
Unfortunately, just at that moment a bouncy, super excited blonde girl (Ellery) bounded up to the Slytherin table and all-but yanked Oliver out of his seat and into a hug. She was chattering away about something to do with squids, so Tom wasn't at all sure that Oliver had heard what he'd said.
The incessant tapping that had been bothering him since he got to the Slytherin table finally became too much, and Tom scowled and turned in his seat to see that the culprits were two boys (Phillip, Lucas) who looked like they might be around his age. Their tapping wasn't even in any sort of rhythm!
"What are you doing?" he asked the two, trying to mimic the supercilious tone that his father often used to speak to him when he hadn't done something as well as his older brother.
Oliver perked up just a bit again when the boy next to him spoke. He was fine with talking, as long as it wasn't about why he was sad. Because that just made him more mad, see? So he decided that it would be nice to talk to Tom and smiled again at the boy.
"How old is your brother?" And why wasn't he at Hogwarts? But he didn't ask that yet, because if Tom's brother was younger then Olly would already have an answer. See, he was thinking.
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Casey O Ellery had been rapid-fire shooting around ideas in her head on the way over to the Slytherin table. Some of them were improbably, like suing the Sorting Hat or suing the manufacturer of the hat - they were probably dead by this point - but some were more realistic, like modifying everyone's memory and forcing the hat to sort Olly into Gryffindor. Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy.
Ellery skidded into the table, immediately clasping Olly's head to her chest and hugging the daylights out of him.
"OkaysoIalreadyhaveaSEMI-FORMULATEDPLANthatinvolvesuscreatingaFIFTHHOUSEcal ledSquiddadorandthesquidcanbeourheadofhouseanditwi lljustbethetwoofus, okay?" THAT WORKED YES.
Oh look. Other people she knew. "Hi Dante! Hi, Josie's Ethan! You never told me who Josie was. Is she your giiiiiiirlfriend?" DEEP BREATH. "Hey, you two, you guys would help me and my brother here form a fifth house, right? You guys could be the prefects!!!"
AHH AN ATTACK! Somebody was tugging on Olly's head, trying to suffocate him or something. He immediately reached out, one arm to pry the arms away from his head and the other to push his attacker away. But he only had to wait a few seconds until his attacker started talking to know exactly who it was.
"Ellery!" He turned to give her a proper hug. A really tight snuggly kind. But he found that with her height, and the fact that he was sitting, made the hugging not ideal. His arms just went around her torso. So Olly pulled her down to sit by him, not caring that technically she should be with the Gryffindors. She was
his sister.
Who was she talking to? He tried to follow her gaze toward some older Slytherins who she was already trying to rope into one of her plans. Creating a new house was fine with him, as long as they were in it together.