For Olly (and Dante and Ethan) Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler Ellery had been rapid-fire shooting around ideas in her head on the way over to the Slytherin table. Some of them were improbably, like suing the Sorting Hat or suing the manufacturer of the hat - they were probably dead by this point - but some were more realistic, like modifying everyone's memory and forcing the hat to sort Olly into Gryffindor. Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy.
Ellery skidded into the table, immediately clasping Olly's head to her chest and hugging the daylights out of him. "OkaysoIalreadyhaveaSEMI-FORMULATEDPLANthatinvolvesuscreatingaFIFTHHOUSEcal ledSquiddadorandthesquidcanbeourheadofhouseanditwi lljustbethetwoofus, okay?" THAT WORKED YES.
Oh look. Other people she knew. "Hi Dante! Hi, Josie's Ethan! You never told me who Josie was. Is she your giiiiiiirlfriend?" DEEP BREATH. "Hey, you two, you guys would help me and my brother here form a fifth house, right? You guys could be the prefects!!!"