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Lex was lying. And rambling. Both skills that should have been worked out of her sooner, although at this point... was there any hope that Lex would learn to be a better liar? Or at least be better at not being caught? It was the first thing Vivi had ever tried to teach her, and the young woman still hadn't learned it. She never would, it seemed.
Vivi would just have a word with Rhydian about actually accompanying Lex to Knockturn Alley in the future. It wasn't overprotectiveness, since Vivi herself had been attacked there on more than one occasion. It was what a good mentor did.
"You need to slow down and go back. You found hair and blood. Who do you believe it belongs to? What do you think it might indicate? Are you testing to see if it is human, or if it belongs to a specific human? It's a finite sample, which means you need to know what you want to do with it before you begin applying potions. One sample only goes so far, and magically multiplying it can sometimes lead to false results." Vivi washed up her own cauldron and materials before returning her attention to Lex's findings. "Diplomats meeting on Knockturn... you think someone was injured there? Killed?"
As for her own work? Vivi tapped the three phials she had. "Potions samples. I think they used substandard ingredients, if the correct ones at all, and they fell off the back of a broomstick."
She wasn't sure how convinced she had gotten Vivi but the fact they were moving on was good enough for her. Who needed to talk about trivial things like who could patrol where when they had even bigger fish to fry? Thankfully not Vivi.
The string of questions didn't bother her, in fact she'd been looking into this for a solid few weeks now. It was where most of her time and energy went when she wasn't needed for YATI training in the arena which beat walking around the Ministry on patrols she wasn't meant to be on anyway that usually yielded nothing of interest.
"There's a possibility it might be human hair but there were rumours passing through the alley about werewolves so I wanted to run a couple tests for that. I'll still test for human traces but that's my main focus." As she spoke she grabbed her own cauldron and proceeded to have it cleaned.
"Doesn't seem like anyone was killed but I reckon there might now be a diplomat walking around with scars his mother never gave him." The possibility still existed though given the fact she currently didn't know how many of them there were or how many there were to start with. You could only ask so many questions before the blokes down there got suspicious of you.
The back of a broomstick though....that was something?
"You think someone was trying to pass them off as originals?"