A Poop * k8 * Lynley needed to see the minister... She was on her way to his office to bombard him with questions and such, about the legislation she was still working on with her department. They had a lot of stuff figured out, but what one of her employees, CJ, was it? had said...well it'd stuck with her. And so...here she was.
But she was mightily distracted by all the portraits here.
Walking more slowly, she glanced at the past ministers...hmm...so interesting. She'd love to hold a conversation with one of them, of course, but she merely read the names on the plates under the portraits, stopping at one or two as she went.
How very...interesting. Sherman's portrait would be along here....right? Hmm. Clipboard in hand, she thought how nice it would be to one day have a portrait here. But Lynley doubted her competency to run the entire ministry. Handling one department was enough work.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |