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What was this? Larissa looked around at the carriages. So she had to get in one of them? This was all so new to her. She wasn't use to the whole being at school thing. Her thing was just being with her mother and her mother homeschooling her. She was pretty sure that she had made a couple of friends. She didn't know them all that well yet but she had a feeling that they would let her sit with them or maybe someone even a stranger would let her sit with them. The thing was everyone here was a stranger to her and she didn't do well with people she doesn't know. Larissa just stood there looking around at the carriages.
Cinna was already in a carriage. Wasn't this thing supposed to be moving? Or did thing have to have more than one person in it to get moving. Is that what it was? She had never ridden it alone before. The seven year looked around. Someone get in there. She was hungry!
There was a girl standing alone. Ah. "Hey there, girl get in. I need this thing to go." Not trying to be rude or anything. Who knew maybe she was helping out the girl? Great first impression Bayless.