___ { BASIC } FULL NAME Nashville Richmond Cash
NICKNAMES Nash, Nash Nash, Nashy
AGE 17
DATE OF BIRTH March 4th, 2064
PLACE OF BIRTH Nashville, Tennesee, United States
PLACE OF RESIDENCE Rio de Janero, Brazil
RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single ___{ EDUCATION } .Beauxbations { September 2075 - June 2078 }
.Salem { September 2078 - June 2079 }
.Durmstrang { September 2079 - June 2080 }
.Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; Scotland { September 2080-present } ___{ LANGUAGES SPOKEN }
. English
. Portuguese
___{ APPEARANCE } HAIR COLOR Dark Brown/Black
EYE COLOR Medium/Light Brown
FACE CLAIM Taylor Lautner { First Year at Hogwart; Sixth Year }
Nashville never really thought that he would fit into Hufflepuff, while he was still at Durmstrang he wanted to be in Slytherin while he spends his time at Hogwarts but over a couple of months of being at Hogwarts and complaining about having to pay for everything, meeting the headmistress, making new friends and baking pies he has really come to love the house of Hufflepuff but he still believes he was meant to be in Slytherin.
On Nashville's very first day at Hogwarts he got himself a girlfriend, Christmas Goldman. Nashville being new at the school didn't really want to start the year off by rejecting a girl who wanted to go out with him, but he just thought that she wanted to date him for his looks and about a month in he was right about that. Nashville didn't like how he could never get a word in while hanging out with Christmas so nearly two months since they started dating Nashville ended the relationship with Christmas. They barely talk anymore.
January 2081, Nashville got kicked off the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, kind of, not really. He got into a bit of a spat with Kaiden and that's when Nashville quit the Quidditch team. The spat was pretty stupid, it was about braiding each others hair and Nashville didn't want his hair to be braided and they got into a fight but they fight had to be boiling because they both of them hate each other.
Towards the end of the school year when the Dementor attacks started to happen Nashville found Laura Hyde being attacked by one. Nashville distracted one with his patronus and got Laura out of the way and into a safe corridor. Nashville was fighting for his life and even kicked the Dementor in the face and gave it a high five bit nothing was working at all. Nashville came out of it with no harm done at all.
___{ LIKES } . Blondes
. Accents
. Music
. Cake
. Brownies
. Blue
. Taking Photographs with a Muggle camera ___{ DISLIKES } . White Chocolate
. Milk Chocolate
. Chocolate Milk
. Cars
. Stuck Up People
. Pink
. Tea { Never had tea but thinks he hates it }
. Polka Dots
. Grouchy People
. Rude People ___{ FAMILY MEMBERS } PARENTS Arnold Cash { 2043 - }, Sydney { Cruz } Cash { 2041- }
SISTER Syracuse Cash { 2067 - }
BROTHERKnoxville Cash { 2081- }
GRANDPARENTS Demetria { Stamos } Cash { 2018 - } Kevin Cash { 2015 - }, Maria { Ramirez } Cruz { 2020 - 2069 }, Julio Cruz { 2018 - }
AUNTS & UNCLES Carlos Cruz { 2045 - } & Marisa { Jacobs } Cruz { 2055 - }, Martina Cruz { 2060 - }
Royal Blue