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Old 05-05-2011, 11:01 PM   #191 (permalink)

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Join Date: Sep 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tahir Kovac Khatri
First Year
Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now

Photos!: image until I make it smaller

Wild. Talkative. Imaginative. Fearless.


My name is Lulu Patterson
You can call me Lulu, Lu.
I was born November 9th, 2060.
Right now, I am a third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
My parents are muggles so that makes me muggleborn
You can see that I am a girl. Not that it matters to you.
You could say I run with Slytherin.


Physical appearance doesn’t mean much for Lulu Patterson. She’s not preoccupied by what others may say about her hair and clothes, which are usually soiled from a tumble or a tree climbing gone wrong. Her hair can be outrageous in at worst and wildly wavy at best. It is a soft shade of brown during the summer when all the days spent in the sun streak the shiny locks with natural highlights. Once fall comes around, her hair begins to darken, mostly at the roots until they reach a dark brown.

Her eyes are brown, big, and expressive, always sparkling with some kind of light be it mischief, ambition, or any other. Her cheeks and the bridge of her nose are dusted with freckles very light but become darker during the summer. Lulu isn’t entirely opposed to their existence since she doesn’t spend enough time looking at her reflection to be bothered by them but she dislikes having them pointed out to her. Currently, she stands at 5’3”, mostly all legs. She doesn’t know what to do with them save for kicking things so and doesn’t appreciate the volume on her chest puberty has brought along. Lulu does her best to hide the changes her body is going through but doesn’t always succeed.



Lulu Patterson is loud. Lulu Patterson is rude. Lulu Patterson is bossy. Lulu Patterson is, quite bluntly, insufferable. She is aware of the fact but has no intentions of changing. This is mostly because she has no idea how to begin and the girl holds firmly to the belief that she is right; always. Although she had never been someone who cared about appearances, and still quite doesn’t, the way her body is changing worries her. She doesn’t want to grow up. She doesn’t want to look like her tall and shapely sister. She thinks girls like her sister are dumb and attract stupid boys who talk stupid and look stupid and reek of stupid. In order to avoid the stupid, Lulu wears elastic bandages in an effort to keep her hips and chest from growing.

She is a very ambitious girl who likes to read spell books as well as practice her dueling. Although moderately good at potions it isn’t something that she is very fond of. She lacks the patience a lot of time and can only bother putting the effort if the effect of the potion is to her interest. Lulu’s favorite subjects are History of Magic, being a Muggleborn with no knowledge of the Wizarding World prior to receiving her Hogwarts acceptance letter. She is also very fond of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms and Care of Magical Creatures.

Lulu is very high energy and is in constant motions, always climbing things, juggling things, balancing things on her head, knees, hands, etc. Although she doesn’t make friends easily because her personality leaves a lot to be desired, she is fiercely protective of those she does have. She’s a girl riddled with double standards but doesn’t see them herself. Lulu doesn’t keep her heritage a secret. If someone asks her, she would comply with an honest answer. She loves her Mum even if she is a controlling freak; however, she avoids bringing up her blood heritage if she can help it. She doesn’t like being the odd one out and admitting that she knew nothing about the Wizarding World makes her feel inferior.

I’m super fond of hopscotch, double Dutch, Dutch in general. Hamsters. Anything with fur and eyes. Popcorn and biscuits, and enjoys juggling/balancing random things.

But I do not care for apples, boys, sandboxes, sand in general, walls, homework and exams.

Some of my aspirations include:
+ Training Sir Robin properly to do my bidding.
+ Liberating Janie from the Hen House

A few fears sometimes get in the way:
+ FINALS!1!!!!11
+ Broccoli
+ Ole men with hair coming out of their ears and nose.



Lulu Patterson was born to Diana Star and Michael Patterson. Although Michael and his family show no traces of magic in their bloodline the Star family has had witches and wizards spring up every two to three generations. Lulu’s parents divorced when she was two years old. It was an amicable split and Lulu doesn’t remember much from those times to be strongly affected by the split. Her mother remarried only a year later and although Lulu is aware that he is her stepfather, he is still the strongest father figure in her life. She has since then continued to see her father every other weekend while she was still living full time in Glasgow, Scotland.

In her early years, Lulu Patterson showed no evident sign of having magic. She was a very curious toddler, however, and Diana couldn’t figure out sometimes how her baby daughter would find herself inside the top cabinets chewing on cookies. When she was five, Lulu was naturally registered for Kindergarten in a public school. In a strange series of events, Diana was called to pick up Lulu from school early. The teacher claimed that Lulu, after having her hair pulled by one of the bigger boys in the class, had somehow launched an aerial attack of tater tots against all the boys in the cafeteria. Diana laughed it off at first and thought it ridiculous that a teacher was making such outlandish claims. After having talked it over with her mother, Diana started wondering if her youngest daughter was also a witch, like her older daughter who was currently studying at Hogwarts. This was a secret as Diana lived in a strictly Muggle community and whomever asked was given the excuse that the bright girl was at a boarding school. This was a secret even to the inquisitive Lulu and remained so for many years.

It was then decided that the best choice was to keep Lulu at home as part of a homeschooling program. Lulu didn’t mind it. She didn’t like being away from home and thought boys were stinky and rude anyhow. They obviously couldn’t recognize their superiors and had no respect for authority.

Her childhood after the tater tot incident was full of mischief, the kind most children get up to and then some. While running around the playground and declaring it her territory, Lulu Patterson found allies in two little girls named Greer McKensie and Janie Hartford. With their help, Lulu managed to make the playground in their community boy-free—at least they thought so. They waged water wars against the ‘stinky species’ during the summer, snow ball wars during winter, and played pranks all year round.

On Lulu’s eleventh birthday, she received her letter early in the day, way before her birthday party. She was trying her best to finish her English homework so that she could go to the zoo with her best friends when an owl flew through the bedroom window, pooped on her bed, pooped on her hair, got tangled in her hair, and dropped the letter on her messy desk. At first she thought it was a really dumb prank so she ripped the letter and trashed it. Hours passed and she said nothing to her parents as they had lunch, ready to go to the zoo when three more owls arrived one after the other. Just as before, they seemed to be in a very foul mood, leaving traces of bird poop all over the place. Her Mum explained what the letter meant, what Lulu was and where she was to go, as well as the truth behind her sister’s constant absences. She screamed in excitement for about five minutes before she could calm down. She wanted to share the news with her friends but her Mother warned her that she couldn’t tell a single soul. Not wanting to somehow get her witch privileges taken away, Lulu kept quiet even as she met her friends later in the day to celebrate her eleventh birthday.

Lulu suffered in silence, unable to share the exciting news but the prospect of Diagon Alley, something her Mum and visiting sister (who currently is an intern at Witch Weekly) had told her about, kept her going. It was finally time to shop for the school supplies that were on the list she was sent. There she was given the shock of her life when she saw her two best friends, Janie Hartford and Greer McKensie. If they were at Diagon Alley it could only mean one thing: they too were witches! After several minutes of yelling, accusations, denial, explanations, and hugging the girls did their shopping together and embarked on new adventures. It was unfortunate that when they finally arrived at Hogwarts they were sorted into separate houses. This, however, didn’t stop them from being friends and enjoying the school life. Although it was a struggle for Lulu as she wasn’t used to attending classes, wearing a uniform, and interacting with other students. It’s been two terms and she’s still struggling with properly socializing without offending anyone. That day may never come.

Glasgow is still her home and Lulu Patterson is currently focusing her energy in doing her best to learn and master as many spells as possible, ignoring the changes in her body caused by puberty, breeding hamsters during school breaks, and torturing her little brothers whenever she can.

My family is getting in my waaay!
+ Mom and Stepdad
+ Elizabeth, Jean and Ben
+ A basset hound named Jinro
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