Adam Burn
Birth: July 15th 2060
Place of Birth: London, U.K.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Ginger/Red
Patronus: Snake
Video Games
His Hair
Loud People
Friends: Kurumi Hollingberry ?
Selina Skylar ?
Adam Fitzgerald
Nessie Dixon
Violet Le Veela Hugo Doyle Hades Vaughn Parents:
Amanda an Zacaharias Burn
Personality: Adam can be quite nice an approachable while being slightly awkward all at the same time. Throughout a conversation, he tries to keep it very lighthearted as he makes jokes every now an then.Even if he is very nice, sometimes his jealousy an anger gets the better of him, an his good traits are overviewed. Adam always finds himself caught in drama, even though he is the person who detests it the most. Whenever he finds himself in the argument he can get very stubborn an will not let it go, seeing as he thinks he is right, but he will try to keep his temper down.
Background: Adam is an only child in a muggle family. He had never known about Hogwarts School Witchcraft an Wizardry until he was twelve years of age. When he was eleven, he had received the letter but had not been home at the time of the Wizard's arrival to explain the situation. Ever since that day, his parents ignored Adam even more than usual an began to call him a 'freak' since the news. During the summer of when he had been twelve, as he rummaged through some boxes in the house attic, he found a very interesting letter from Hogwarts revealing to him that he is a wizard. He should the letters to his parents who refused him to attend Hogwarts, so in a bold decision, he gathered his school supplies in Diagon Alley an traveled alone to Platform 9 3/4 .
2nd Year: His first time in Diagon Alley had been during his second year as he had never known about his first year. While shopping around in Diagon Alley, Adam found himself becoming instant friends with his soon to be fellow Gryffindor, Kurumi Hollingberry, as both of them had been searching through the tie racks in Madame Malkins. She had feared of being ridiculed by Adam, but as he knew nothing of the Wizarding World, he never made fun of her being half British an half Japanese. Their friendship at Hogwarts had been threatened when Adam had started 'going out' with first year Slytherin Katie Star. Though, throughout the time they had been together Adam had found himself growing stronger feelings for Kurumi, more than just being friends. When Adam had stated to his friends that he had felt forced into the relationship with Katie she soon began to create lies of him. Thankfully, to his an Kurumi's great comfort, as she had mentioned to him of being nagged by Katie, he an Katie drifted apart an broke up. By the end of the school year Kurumi an Adam were a small 'thing' .
3rd Year: During his train ride going to Hogwarts his third year, Adam found himself panicking in his compartment as he avoided Katie after their break up. Selina Skylar, barely new friends, had been informed by him his problem about Katie. Selina then marched up to Katie, much to Adam's surprised, an defended him whilst telling Katie to 'get over' the whole situation. The first few weeks of school Adam began to formulate several crushes on his friends, an when Kurumi found out about the news, Adam had revealed that she hadn't been what he had been looking for at the moment. Kurumi, though had let his excuse slide by an they stayed together, for the time being. But Kurumi would have to face much more difficult news in the near future. One day Adam had received a letter, by his parents by owl, whom thought it had been an absurd way to contact their son, saying that his father had been promoted in his job an they would have to move to Mexico in the upcoming summer. When Adam had told the news to Selina first she suggested he tell Kurumi as soon as possible, as to have it sink in for Kurumi, or last minute so the pain wouldn't be too unbearable. Selina had also offered for Adam to stay at her house rather than staying with his parents, whom he despised deeply. Rather than taking it, Adam refused an decided to stay with his parents simply because they were 'family', this decision landed himself in a disasterous fight with Selina which led them to being strangers in the common room. When Adam informed Kurumi on the problem, their had been one question running in both their minds. What would it do to their friendship/relationship? The distance of Hogwarts to Mexico an Mexico to Japan for the summertime proved to be too great for them an they sort of mutually agreed to break up because of this. During his stay at Mexico, Adam had found a new girlfriend whom worked on a popular game show, an through it all forgot about his real friends back at Hogwarts, an never replied once to their letters.
5th Year: When Adam returned during the opening feast of his fifth year, he believed he'd been welcomed back as if it had been normal from when he had been there in his third year. This turned out false as he got himself punched by Selina an even slapped by Kurumi during his arrival, this had been due to his forgetting of them during his absence. While they all needed time to breathe, this turned to prove more difficult as Adam had managed to land himself as Gryffindor Substitute Keeper, alongside both girls. There came a day when Adam an Kurumi had bumped into each other in the corridor an he sincerely, thoroughly apologized to her for his wrong doings. This left them in an awkward position for their friendship as they almost turned strangers. Adam then went to apologizing to Selina, wanting to mend his shattered friendships, she took his apology, but barely. A few days later Adam revealed to the little redhead Gryffindor that, after all he had done to her, he still loved an wanted Kurumi back. She encouraged him to go an tell Kurumi this because she might return the feelings back. When he told Kurumi how he truly felt, it seemed she might return the feelings to some extent, but alas, he had been devastated when her Slytherin boyfriend Jonathan Kim appeared at the scene. For the rest of the year Adam attempted to weasel himself into their relationship as he pretended to be Jonathan's friends, though that had never been his intent, which was to break them up.
Adam is currently a 6th Year Gryffindor an will be the House's Boy Prefect.