Thread: Park Bench
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Old 08-20-2015, 03:58 PM   #160 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Daxton Daxton Daxton tsk tsk tsk
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Daxton, for some reason, hadn't been expecting to have his notebook ripped away from him with such force; he thought he'd been quite clear in showing that he wasn't willing to let anyone take it, that they had an understanding. But he'd got complacent, and Genny Tate had taken advantage of that and snatched it out of his grasp. He would certainly learn a lesson from this.

A jolt of panic had gone through him, but before he could even so much as widen his eyes, Daxton saw that Genny wasn't running off with the book. He wanted so much to grab it back now, but was aware that she was already writing a response for him, so he let her keep hold of it, though only because she was turning out to be a veritable feast of information, and he wanted answers more than he cared about getting the notebook back quickly.

She received a brief glare however. A glare that was wasted on the top of her head, because Genny Tate was now quite absorbed in the act of writing. Daxton abandoned the stink-eye and instead watched her writing hand. He just blinked when she beamed at him, and waited for the notebook to be handed back.

Huh. Sports. Well... that was a whole lot of excitement over nothing, wasn't it? Daxton had never liked sports, just as he'd never liked the people who played them. At his school, some of the other boys liked to kick the footballs at his head if he went too close. And there was one girl who'd tried to whack him with a rounders bat as she went past, but Daxton, who had quicker reflexes than she'd reaslied, had ducked and pushed the girl down. She'd cried, he'd gotten in trouble, and neither of them had mentioned the bat.

It didn't take long for him to write a response.

'I hate sports. They're boring. I would rather read about them, but even then they're boring, unless they have an interesting history.

Do you mean fly on a broomstick? Can you do that?

I can say anything is illogical if I think it is. And I don't care if people get mad at me. Or ghosts, probably.

How do I tell you what House I got?'

The offer to go see a game had been processed but unaddressed. The prospect of seeing something so magical in action, even if it was a sport, was tempting, but Daxton knew full well it would be far out of his comfort zone; it would no doubt be loud and full of people. Even visiting Diagon Alley place had been enough to send him into a state of overwhelming anxiety, after all.

He went to turn the notebook back again, but then quickly thought of something else and added it underneath what he'd written already.

'How do they decide what House I'm in?'

Okay, there. Now he turned it back.

Needless to say, the expression on Genny's face was pure eagerness and anticipation. She was barely able to wait for Daxton's reply, he must've had LOADS of more questions about Quidditch. She was already preparing the answers in her head, and struggling to keep it short enough to write, when he handed her back the notebook.

He didn't ask about Quidditch.

In fact, he bashed Quidditch and Genny, without exaggeration, felt her eyes sting a little while reading his response. It was her turn to give him a sitnk-eye. A real one, and one that changed her entire face expression not just her eyes. Unlike him, she was so easy to read and she wore her heart on her sleeve, so it was a no-brainer that she was deeply and personally hurt by Daxton's response.

Pursing her lips so hard they went white, she snatched the notebook again (this time with attitude), and started writing.

'You can't say you don't like it, you don't even know it. My dad says we shouldn't let our ignorance cloud our judgements.' She pushed some of her stray hair out of her face, because she was so absorbed in writing somehow she got her hair to get messed up. 'However, Quidditch isn't for everyone. It's for the talented and brave at heart only.' HA! Good one. She patted herself on the back and took a deep breath to calm herself down. He had another ten questions that each needed an essay long answer. Ugh.

'I don't appreciate the fact that you dismissed Quidditch and called it boring, I think it was mean and inconsiderate. But I will answer your questions because you don't know what you're talking about and your mother's a muggle.'


She scratched out that last part about his mother. Her parents would be appalled if they saw that. HE STARTED IT THOUGH, insulting Quidditch, pffft.

'Yes. Fly on a broomstick, it's very fun to people who are normal and cool and fun.' He probably wouldn't like it. Genny was looking all sassy and unimpressed now, still shaken from that awful response of his. 'Yes, I can. I'm a great flyer. I go to Quidditch camp in summer.'

Fiiiiiine, she was going to let the Bloody Baron handle him when he got there and thought their existence was illogical. She just wished she could be there to watch...

.... okay no. She couldn't do that. Sigh.

'There are nice ghosts and mean ghosts. They'll do things to scare you if you tell them that, or worse, they could get one of the professors to put you in detention. It's really not worth it. Ghosts can help you if they like you.' FAAAIN. She didn't want to be mean to him just because he didn't like the greatest game of all.

'By sending me a letter with an owl. The school has owls for correspondence. You can write me one and stick it to their leg and they'll deliver it to me. I'll write you back.' Mhmmm. She was a lot calmer now that she was focusing on other topics. Whew.

'You put on The Sorting Hat. It's a magical, ancient hat that can see into your mind. It sees what sort of person you are and put you in the most suitable house.'

Genny was sort of proud of all the things she turned out to know. It was the first time she talked to someone who knew absolutely nothing of the things she thought were common sense. It made her feel more like her mother... it was a new experience.
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