08-19-2015, 02:11 PM
Announcements, Classes, & Homework Noticeboard Credit: Samia
Located on one of the walls within the Hufflepuff common room, the noticeboard is where you’ll find the latest announcements, assignments, and upcoming classes. Your kneazle eating your homework is no longer a viable excuse, badger loves. You’ll have no choice but to be in the know now. OOC: Anyone can help update this thread with the most recent assignments, activities, and announcements. In fact, it’s encouraged! Upcoming classes Ongoing classes Arithmancy 2 Homework Potions 2 (November 28th, 23.59 GMT/18.59 EST) Herbology 2 (December 1st, 6AM GMT) Special events Final duels! (Due: November 30, midnight GMT-6) Help your potions professor! Badger challenge! Hogwarts Spirit Festival