Raven Melody Athlon
Name: Raven Melody Athlon
Nicknames: Rae, Rave, RA
Age: 17
Year: 7th
Birthday: March 17th, 2054
Heritage: Pureblood
Relationship Status: Happily Taken.
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Hair Length: Shoulder Length
Eye Color: An absolutely stunning hazel
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 150 lb
Mother: Mackenzie Alexandria Athlon (born:MacDonald)
Father: Michael Jacob Athlon (deceased)
Siblings: None
Hogwarts Friends
Olivia "Livvy" Zhang- Amusing Ravenclaw (Graduated)
Torin Kane- Hufflepuff Prank Associate
Whitney Ashford- Slightly Hyper Slytherin
Andi Macmillon- Crazeh Gryffindor
Adrienne Mercer- Ravenclaw Prank Associate (Graduated)
Gold Laksh- Gryffindor Frenemy
Grayson Kelly- Partner in Crime
Colors: Purple, Blue, Green (she is a Slytherin after all), Black, Red and Silver
Band: She has more than one favourite band but to mention a few: Paramore, Sick Puppies, Flyleaf and Three Days Grace
Song: What Are You Looking For by Sick Puppies
Writer: William Shakespeare
Ice Cream Flavour: Chocolate Frog
Candy: Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans
Background: Raven was born and raised in Kilkenny, Ireland and recently moved to London with her parents, if you ask her about her old school, she'll tell you that she was expelled from Galway Academy but never give you a reason. She recieved her letter to attend Hogwarts shortly after she moved to London, she spent several months arguing with her parents due to the whole situation of the pureblood propaganda until she finally moved out to Sydney, Australia. After drama in her 6th year, she spent the summer trying to relax and prepare herself for her last term at Hogwarts where she definitely wanted to have some fun and surprisingly stay out of trouble. Is it possible for her to live up to those expectations or will she just return to her old ways?
Personality: Beware of this one, she's a firecracker and isn't afraid to show why she's known as such. She's got an attitude that matches her tendancy to be evil, in summary, Raven's a devil in disguise. However when she's not in a bad mood, she's actually a really nice girl who enjoys playing music for other people.
Pets: A snowy owl named Kyan and a brown and white tabby kitten named Bludger
Likes: Revenge, Potions, Causing Trouble, Reading, Writing, Singing, Duelling and Music.
Dislikes: A lot of homework, rumours and startling noises.