• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Not that Leo had ever tried his hand at the muggle sport called tennis but he had happened upon it on an occasion when he had gone past a window of a bar where they had shown it. The other guy's head moved back and forth from the magazine to looking Leo in the face just like the spectators of that sport. Watering his lips Leo gave a visible shudder at the suggestion. "No, just no. I might have the right head shape but I'm not here for a makeover just a normal trim of the edges, and braids that'd be too extreme."
Shaking the offered hand he said flashing a smile. "Nice to meet you Justin. I'm Leobald but mostly everyone calls me Leo." Regarding the other man Leo asked curiously "Here to get a new hairstyle or just a trim?"
Aw, this was a serious bloke, wasn't he? No matter as he continued grinning, "Leo, eh? Nice to meet you too." Now what was he here for, "Same as you, just a trim and all for the new job." He had a certain appearance to maintain after all.
Now then, "Do you come here often?" Or was just it just once in a blue moon or recommended by someone? |