Thread: Park Bench
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Old 08-16-2015, 09:02 AM   #145 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Ravvie Daxie :D
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Daxton wasn't entirely sure as to why Genny was writing things that he already knew. In fact, he was slightly confused, and he didn't like being confused, which was why he had a tendency to avoid talking to confusing people.

Which basically meant... everyone.

The rest of her response was actually very useful, though, in that she'd actually gone into some proper detail. Daxton tapped his pen against the notebook as he read it once, twice, three times altogether, which was significant as he didn't need to read things more than once, and only did so if he found something intriguing or enjoyable. He didn't think the hard school subjects would be much of a problem, because he'd always found academia to be easy, and, by extension, boring. But obviously Daxton wanted to learn the magic spells; he wanted to know everything.

But ghosts? That was unexpected information, and the boy's mind was suddenly overloaded with possibilities. Maybe he could catch one and ask it questions. Imagine the kind of things they knew; a ghost would be a valuable asset.

It was a few moments before Daxton realised he'd started to disappear off into his own thoughts to process all this information, and he quickly forced himself to stop. There were more things he wanted to know. Suddenly out of his almost-reverie, Daxton put pen to pater wrote his responses, then turned the notebook back to Genny, watching her almost eagerly. She was full of more information than even she realised, it seemed.

'I'm definitely magical.

What's Quidditch?

I have always thought that ghosts are not real. Ghosts always seemed illogical to me. Have you ever met a ghost?

We will eventually be at Hogwarts at the same time.'

That last part was more a statement than a question that required an answer. Daxton didn't often reiterate something that had already been established, but Genny Tate had done so a couple of times now, and so Daxton had began to unintentionally mirror this in his own stilted way.

Daxton Prince was a thoughtful person, Genny knew this much. This time he took longer than before, almost too long she started getting fidgety because excuse her but she wasn't fond of sitting and writing and basically reading. That was her mom's ultimate desire but Genny just wasn't a fan of sitting still and being bored. Daxton was a very interesting boy if it wasn't for this long gap of thinking. She had to re-read what she wrote to see what was so interesting about what she wrote, everything was pretty obvious and ordinary. Nothing that required this much thinking, Merlin.

He finally came to his senses just when she was about to snap her fingers in front of his eyes to bring him back to life. Good. Whew. She wiggled her butt on the bench and waited for him to give her back her notebook.

The Quidditch part jumped right at her eliciting a horrified reaction from her. Her sympathies went out to him in the form of a doe-eyed look.

He did not know what Quidditch was.


She snatched the notebook from him urgently, lifted up her ankles to the bench so she could scribble away on her knees.

'Quidditch is sports. It's the funnest ever & everyone loves it.' She could not for the life of her be objective when it came to Quidditch. 'The teams try to catch the snitch, and there is the keeper who's supposed to keep away the Quaffle from getting into the hoops. And the beaters try to defend the players with the bludgers. Also, you can't fall to the ground, you have to be an amazing flier in order to play. I went to a Quidditch camp last summer and they said I was a very good player.' Allllll valuable information, yes. 'I can ask daddy to take us to a match some time to show you. It's not season time right now but I bet the Holyhead Harpies has a friendly match with one of the teams soon. It's the best team with the best Beater duo.'

Genny finally took a breath, and beamed over at Daxton. Then went on to the less important subject that was ghosts.

'No. They're not very common, ghosts. Hogwarts has many of them, though. You'll meet them at the feast.' Oh and also. 'You can't say they're illogical, they'll get mad at you.' She nodded solemnly.

Mhmmm. 'I'm going there next year, yes. You have to tell me which house you'll get into.' Yussss! Hopefully Gryffindor! Like she wanted to be!
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