Adi wasn't heading to the Prefect's compartment yet. Nope, nope. Out here with the ordinary students was much more fun. Hehe. Not that he didn't LOVE having a particular compartment to share with the other seven prefects. All prefect related stuff was something he liked
and did it swell his head on occasion.
Right now, he was looking for someone to temporarily crash with. Anyone except Lux because he was sure if he saw her, there would be manly tears shed. Yeah, yeah, we know. Adi could be dramatic. But hey, he loved that girl a ton, okay? And he was going to miss her and her mermaid obsession.
Lost in thought, Adi smacked right into someone ahead of him, sending Guster into a bout of reproachful croaks.
"Oh! Sorry, Benny.'' He grinned sheepishly.
"What's up? Where's Conrad?'' Benny usually had the owl with him so that Gus could hang out with him.
"Found a compartment yet?"
At that moment, the soon to be seventh year glanced over to see Henric alone in one of the compartments.
"Never mind,'' he stated cheerfully.
"Found one.'' Without waiting for Benny to respond, he slid the door open and stepped in.
"Heya, Henny! Need some company?'' Not waiting for a reply from Henric either, Adi flopped down on a seat, propped his back against the wall next to the window and stretched his feet across the seats next to him. That should force Benny and Henric to sit next to each other.

They did seem to be getting along just fine the other day but if they decided to get dramatic, he would be walking right out of there.