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'I burn easily'
Lulz. He shouldn't find that so funny but luuuuuulz. "Haven't you heard of extra factor sunscreen? Dead useful, let me tell you." Because he wouldn't need to wear a shirt and he'd be able to protect his skin and whatnot.
But whatever. If the kid wanted to overheat or burn, he can do so. Just don't do it anywhere near him, mkay?
Had he just bumped into a sassy kid? Frankly, Grayson didn't know whether to be offended or impressed. All he managed to do was raise his eyebrows and open his mouth before........
....... SPLASH!
Gasping, the Slytherin tried to shake away any excess water before turning back to the boy. "Dang, you're one sassy fella aren't you?" he said, splashing the kid with water in return.
And the shirt debate had nothing to do with him but he wasn't about to mention that.
Chris was going to ignore that. Yup because..well he hadn't heard of that and didn't want to admit it to this rude boy. Maybe he just liked wearing the shirt! Hmph. He simply stared at Judgy McJudgerson there looking all smug and stuff.
Wasn't the first time he wore a shirt in a lake and wouldn't be the last he was sure until he could get some muscles on his scrawny frame which he was trying to work on. Sigh. Life was hard.
He couldn't help but laugh though as he caught the older boy off guard and made him gasp. One for Chris. MUAHAHAHA. Wait...sassy? He'd never been called sassy before. "No, I just don't like people who judge what others do. It's a free country I can do as I please." Yup. HA take that Judgy McJudgerson.
He splashed the boy back and swam back a bit in a vain attempt to avoid any retribution. The boy was noticeably bigger and stronger than him he wouldn't stand a chance.